You find him in his destroyed radio station

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The fight with the Angels has ended. Diana and her friends looked around the ruins of the Hazbin Hotel. She looked to see if anything was left. She decided to separate herself from the group and look for her things on her own.

The first area she chose was the eastern part of the ruins, where, among other things, Alastor's destroyed radio station was located. As long as it was left, she decided to look inside. She looked around the room until she noticed Alastor sitting at the radio station, burying his face in his hands as if he was having a breakdown.

"Alastor...?" She said worriedly and he turned towards her as if he had been burned. The smile wouldn't disappear from his face, but he didn't look like he wanted to do it, but his eyes said it all. She could see anxiety, desperation and pain in them. She approaches him. Her eyes filled with nothing but worry. He looks at her with sadness in his eyes, not saying a single word. It seemed like he couldn't say something right now, or wouldn't want to. She doesn't really know how to comfort him. She knows he's not a big fan of hugs and that he's not an affectionate person, so she just stands in front of him with a worried look on her face.

The fact that she knew that he didn't like physical contact made it clear that she was a good friend. Still, he couldn't keep the pain he was feeling off of his face as he was staring at the ground. Whatever was happening in his head, he was keeping to himself.


His silence was almost deafening as he kept looking down, feeling more and more depressed with each breath. He didn't want to talk and she knew that, but the worry started to take over. She needed to know what was going on, right?... She decides to just sit next to him and wait until he's ready to talk about what's wrong. He looked at her for a second with uncertainty. He didn't want to talk, but he saw that she was worried and he didn't want that. He knew her well, she was a good friend. He sighed and got himself together as best he could. He smiled at her, but it came out forced and it was clear that he was hiding a lot of pain. His words spoke for him. "i-i'm fine.."

"Alastor I know you're not.." He looked away. A small sigh came out of him as he tried to act strong. His voice was more shaky than before and she could see that he was barely holding it back.
"...I don't want to talk about it.. it's no big deal really.." She hesitates at first, but she slowly rests her hand on top of his hand reassuring that she's here for him. He took a breath and then squeezed her hand gently. He took some comfort in the gesture. He finally looked back at her and spoke softly, "..thank you.." She smiles softly at him. "I'm here for you Alastor..I'm not going anywhere.." He looked away again as he squeezed her hand again. He tried his best to keep himself under control, not wanting to break down right there.. He stayed silent for a few moments as he collected his thoughts, then spoke in a softer voice again, "I know.. and you know that I appreciate it... you're a good friend.." She smiles softly at that comment. He looked up at her and smiled weakly as well. He wanted to say something, but he felt like he shouldn't. Despite that, he still spoke up after clearing his throat, "you-you're... very thoughtful.."

"Alastor? I'm gonna do something ok? I need you to promise me that you won't get mad or push me away ok?" He looked at her in confusion for a second there. He was curious of what she was going to do, but he did as she said, telling her that he wouldn't do anything crazy or push her away. "...ok... I promise.." She gets up from her seat and goes over to him and sits on his lap. She feels a little hesitant to do this, but she feels like it's something that he needs. Out of the blue, she hugs him tightly. His eyes widened in surprise as she sat on his lap and hugged him, but after a moment he wrapped his arms around her as well. He squeezed her tightly while hugging her, finding comfort and warmth in the gesture. He didn't want her to let go. He just wanted to be comforted for now, as he stayed silent, burying his face into her shoulder. She smiles at how he's accepting the hug and gesture, and not pushing her away. He smiled as well, still burying his face in her shoulder. He wasn't much of a hugger but he did accept it as he kept hugging her. He didn't mind it. It felt nice honestly, to be in the arms of someone like her. It felt comforting and warm. He started to relax a bit more with each breath he took. She was such a good friend to him, which made him even happier and he didn't want to let go.

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