He's back ~

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Disclaimer: there is going to be a little bit of a make out session in this. I REPEAT MAKEOUT SESSION. I don't do lemons 🍋 cause I can't keep a straight face. 😭 So the only thing I will do is lime. That is how far I will go.

Diana is an overlord and has been for a very long time, she used to be close to another overlord by the name, Alastor. Her and him got into a fight however and haven't spoken since. But that was years ago, and after Alastor disappeared she thought she'd never see him again until he unexpectedly turned up at the latest overlord meeting. "Long time no see, old pal." Alastor said while smiling at her as he sat in his seat that had lied vacant for so long.

Diana looks up at him and she starts tearing up. She jumps on him hugging him making the chair fall down. "I'm so sorry!!...I didn't mean anything I said when we argued!!...please forgive me!!..." Alastor is taken aback by Diana's actions and looks down at her with shock in his eyes, the other Overlords at the meeting staring at the scene that just unfolded. Alastor is at a loss of words for a moment before responding to her. "D-Diana..? I-It's alright..it was so long ago. How have you been?"

Diana looks up at him with tears and pouting. Alastor smiles and wipes the tears off of her face before hugging her again, the other Overlords starting to whisper amongst each other. Alastor leans his chin on her head and looks down at her. "I missed you..."

"I missed you too..." Diana sniffs and giggles a bit. "And of course you missed me! You had no one to cling onto you!" He chuckles at her response and rubs her back lovingly. Alastor was once very fond of Diana until the argument that split them up. Now he can finally feel at ease again, knowing that she's here with him again. The whisperings stop amongst the other Overlords and some stare in envy of the scene. Diana looks at all the other overlords that are staring at the both of them and her eyes turn red. "MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!"

Alastor sees the look on her face and lets out a low chuckle, his arms still wrapped around her. "Ah, still the same.." He looks away as the other Overlords continue to stare, some looking in fear of her, others clearly annoyed by her interruption. Diana starts growling at the other Overlords. Some of the overlords that were staring in annoyance or fear now look down, their eyes avoiding her, though a couple of them seem to grow angrier at her display of power. Alastor chuckles. "Easy there, no need to show off."

Diana looks at him and stops growling. Her eyes go back to normal. "You know I don't like it when others stareeee."

"Hm, I know, I know." Saying this makes him smile even bigger, and the other overlords now all look down, none of them even wanting to risk getting on her bad side, especially now with Diana's abilities shown. Diana picks the chair back from knocking it down earlier. Diana sits him down and sits on his lap and clings onto him. The other overlords see this and mutter silently amongst themselves. Alastor chuckles, putting his arms around her waist and lifting her up, looking down at her. "It is nice to see that you're still your old clingy self. Still enjoy clinging onto me, I see." Diana speaks in a cute baby voice. "Yes."

"I'll allow it." He says with a smirk, while the other Overlords are still trying not to stare at the two of them. Not many were used to seeing anyone in public get that close and touchy with him. "Of course you'll allow it! I mean this is me we are talking about." Diana giggles as she says this. He chuckles at her attitude. He was always used to getting his way with others, but it was always tricky with her. He had lost himself many times around her, something he did not like to admit. ""Yes, yes.." He says as he rolls his eyes playfully, holding her a bit tighter to him. She can't help but giggle more.

He chuckles again and rubs her head affectionately. The other Overlords are still whispering amongst themselves and glancing at the two of them every so often, but they can't stand to watch any longer at such an 'intimate' display between the two of them. One of the Overlords, Vox, eventually stands up, looking down at the two of them with a disapproving stare. "Awww what's the matter Voxxie poo? Jealous?" Diana says as she smirks at Vox.

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