He is offering you a deal 🩸

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Diana was in big trouble, she was running away from a gang of mafia and desperately looking for help wherever she could. She was hiding in a dark alley, and when she wanted to come out, she bumped into someone. When she noticed who it was, she immediately froze. It was the radio demon. He looked at her with a menacing look and a dominant smile on his face, but when he realized who she was, he chuckled mockingly. "I know you, you are wanted by the mafia with a whole circle of pride. You are a very shameful soul." He said with a mockery as she looked at him in horror, taking a few small steps back.
"You need a contract, huh?" He spoke to her with his signature smile on his face. He snapped his fingers and a golden parchment with a contract appeared next to him. "I will protect you from the mafia and everything else that is after you, and in return you will offer me your soul. How do you feel about it, my dear?" He said and she started to wonder, feeling his pressure on her. "You still question it? So why are you hiding here sweethart? You're just being chased by the mafia, so sooner or later you'll die. It's nothing to worry about, right?" He turned to her, teasing her and his smile widened at her renewed fear. "So do we have a deal?"

Diana nods and signs the contract. He grins at her. "I knew you will agree on it." He takes away the contract, and folds it before putting it inside his pocket. "So... Are you scared?" He takes a step towards her while raising his eyebrow.

"W-Well I umm." She shows him her stomach wound. He takes another step towards her, a look of pity and concern on his face, but a slight glint of a predator looking at his prey. "Well... this is pretty bad." A little growl escapes his mouth, looking at the wound. "I assume this has something to do with the mafia too?" She nods as she gets a little pale. "You must be in a lot of pain." He leans towards her and then takes a step back. "But I can help you." A smile plays on his face as he slowly extends his hand towards her stomach. "Let me help you." She flinches a bit. His smile immediately shifts into a grimace of annoyance as he sees her flinch. "Stop being such a wuss and let me heal you." His hand slowly moves closer, as if he is about to grab her. She looks at him scared and nods slowly. "S-Sorry.." He rolls his eyes at her as his hand reaches her stomach, putting it right above it. "Now... Stay still." He says with a cold tone, his hand vibrating as he begins to heal her wounds. "This might hurt a little bit." A red glow starts to appear around his hand as he heals her wounds, and as he's doing that, she will probably feel the pain slowly subsiding.
"There we go." He takes his hand off of her stomach and starts to look at her, still with a concerned smile on his face.
"How are you feeling?"

"Better..thank you.." She said. "Not a problem sweethart." He grins at her and his tone softens noticeably. "So... How did you get in trouble with the mafia anyways? They usually don't go after random sinners like you."

"I don't wanna talk about it.."

"Oh come on, it's not like I'm gonna judge you." He chuckles at her, trying to sound warm and friendly. "So... Don't you think you owe me a bit of an explanation?"

"I said I don't wanna talk about it.."

"I am just curious. I have seen a lot of different sinners, and you... you're kind of a unique case to me." He sighs, seemingly disappointed by her attitude.
"And besides... What reason do you have to not tell me?"

"I was sold to them and I escaped!...there are you happy now?!.." He chuckles softly before a serious expression plays on his face and he stares at her intensely. "So you're a captive. Interesting." He looks at her for a couple more seconds before his expression softening again and he grins at her. "Why did the mafia want you if I can ask?"

"The mafia leader wanted to marry me..but he's disgusting and abusive..so I escaped and I've been running ever since.."

"Marry you?" He raises an eyebrow at her, his grin growing wider from pure amusement. "A mafia leader wanting to marry YOU?"

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