He wants to own you.

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WARNING ⚠️ there is going to be a make out session. I REPEAT A MAKEOUT SESSION. ⚠️ and also there is gonna be a bit of lime. JUST WARNING YOU.

There were rumors in Hell about a new, powerful sinner who was rising to power by murdering each of the Overlords one by one and broadcasting their screams on the radio. She knew him very well, he was her old friend from her life. She died before him and was powerful enough to take her place as one of the Overlords of the pride ring.

Alastor, because that was his name, was walking through the streets of hell, spreading fear on the streets. He had an appointment to meet an old friend at a local bar. He walked in with his signature smile, and seeing her sitting at the bar counter, his smile widened slightly with a sneer. He sat down on the bar stool next to her while she stared at the glass with her drink. The bar was empty because when the sinners noticed the presence of practically the most powerful in the circle, they immediately fled.

"Long time no see Diana. I know what you want. You're worried about me not murdering any more of your friends and, in the process, you. Am I right?"
He said in his radio voice. "Know that I couldn't hurt you, but when I think about it, it would be nice to have you as my property. Don't you think?" He chuckled. "You know... We can make a deal~ I will not kill any of your friends. I already have a place in power, but you... you will turn yourself over to me. So... Do we have a deal?" They extend their hand towards her and a bright green aura appears around.

She started to question it, but he had already murdered too many rulers to think about it. She wanted to keep her friends safe. "And you promise tha-"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes... Your friends will be safe, but only if you are completely and utterly MINE." His eyes glowed red as he growled the last word. It was obvious that he was interested in this offer and she started to hesitate.

"So what will it be?" Alastor said. "Deal." Diana shakes his hand. "So nice... you have made a wise decision." He chuckles and shakes her hand with a wide crooked evil grin. "Your friends are very much safe now and of course, you are my property~" He says in a playful radio voice. Diana rolls her eyes. "You haven't changed at all old friend." Alastor laughs. "Of course I haven't dear, why would I? I am already perfect just the way I am~ I am just here to make you mine and in such a simple way too. Your friends don't need to die." He says with a sly smile on his face. Diana caresses his cheek with one hand and pets his ears with the other. "I've missed you."

A bit shocked by this he turns his head slightly towards her. His cheeks flush slightly as he grins broadly. He leans his ear towards her as she pet him. "You've missed me?" Diana nods as she continues. As Diana continues petting his ear, he leans into her. "Heh...You've missed me this much?~"

"What? You didn't miss me?" She said. Alastor looks at her with a teasing expression. "Oh, I did miss you. I just didn't expect you to miss me this much.~"

"Am I not allowed to miss my old friend?" Diana looks at him with a bit of confusion. *He continues leaning into her touch as she continues petting him. "You are allowed.. but it's still surprising to see how much you've really missed me when you know who and what I am." He says with a crooked smile. "Alastor you'll always be my first friend. Always together even in death remember?" A bright smile forms on his face as he thinks back to what she said. "That's right~ even in death, we are still friends. It's good to be together again, isn't it?~" He moves his head closer to hers. "It really is." His face close to hers, he holds her hand gently, his thumb stroking her hand. "Heh, but you still haven't answered my question.~ You've missed me this much?~"

"I have yes." He strokes her cheek, smiling a bit and looking at her deeply. "Well then... Can I ask you one more thing?~" Diana nods. He moves his hand to her hair, as he plays with it.
"This might sound a bit forward on my part, but... Can I ask you to do something for me~?" Diana nods again.  His playful voice becomes husky and he leans a bit closer to her as he says,
"Can I..." He trails off for a moment. "Can I kiss you?" Her eyes widen. "Y-you're not refusing me are you~?"There was a playful tease in his voice as he watched her expression. "No I'm not I'm just surprised is all." He smiles at her, his face still close to hers. "Surprised I want to kiss you or surprised you aren't refusing~?"

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