What started it all...

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A man with Dark purple hair and eyes wearing a demon slayer uniform with a dark purple haori over it stands on a snowy mountain. He grips his dark purple sword as the snowstorm rages.

"And just what do you think you'll be able to do?"

The man looks at the opponent ahead of him, shrouded in the snowstorm.

I am...


And I will KILL you.

I am a hunter...

I am...



Book one: Shadows.

What started it all...

A young boy with dark purple hair and eyes stands on the road of his village. He opens up his hand and looks down at the sakura petal he's holding. He closes his hand and smiles at the sky as his surroundings change to a wintery and snowy landscape of the mountain.

February 3rd.

Haruto Nakamura. Thirteen years old.

"What are you waiting for, let's go." A brown haired boy says as he pats Haruto's shoulder and walks past him. "Yeah. Let's go." Haruto says. Haruto looks ahead of him as snow lightly drops on his small village. 

The village has about eight traditional Japanese houses and a circular road that curves around the large sakura tree in the middle of the village. Due to it being winter the sakura tree is dead. There's small little wooden carts that act as shops. One of the houses is a two story house with the first story acting as a pharmacy/clinic. 

Haruto breathes in the cold air and looks at his friends ahead of him before walking over to them.

There's a boy with spiky and messy crimson red hair that matches his eyes. He's wearing a dark green cloak to stay warm. He can come off as rough but he's very kind

Tatara Sato. Thirteen years old.

There's another boy with messy brown hair that goes down to the top of his eyes. He has emerald green eyes and is wearing a dark red cloak to stay warm. While he comes off as calm he can be a lot more rough than he looks. He's very calculating.

Token Takahashi. Thirteen years old.

Besides them there's the sole girl of the group. She has dark blue shoulder length hair and dark blue eyes. She's wearing an ice blue cloak to stay warm. She's very kind and holds the group together like glue. She's always looking out for the three boys.

Sumire Ryu. Thirteen years old.

Haruto walks up to his friends as they begin to walk down the mountain they live on. All four of the teens have wooden backpacks to carry supplies up and down the mountain with them. "We should've taken my family's cart. We could ride in it and easily roll it down the mountain." Tatara says to the group.

"It's always a huge hassle to bring it back up... It's also really dangerous. What if we crash?" Token replies. "Token is right, though the cart would be pretty fast." Sumire adds. "The cart is only for emergencies only. Remember we're going down there to sell this stuff and then buying what our families need. Besides the festival is near, I'd rather not wear the cart out." Haruto says to the group as they continue walking down the trail of the mountain.

The Hunter With Change: Rebirth. Book one, Shadows.Where stories live. Discover now