My may

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                                 Matt's POV
"WAKE UP ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL" i shout at may.

fucking hell.

i don't know why i'm trying. every single time i pick her up, which is very generous saying as she can't even show any thanks, she's still asleep.


with a jolt she quickly turns around to see my face. she looks super shaken, but seems to calm down once she sees me.


she rubs her eyes and stretches her arms, and i catch a glimpse of her pretty face underneath the blankets and i-

Woah. Never think those thoughts again, please . 

 she's dead to me, though. she doesn't deserve any effort from my part, atleast.

she scowls and rolls her eyes at me.

"thanks for waking me up so thoughtfully and gently, Mathew." she says sarcastically.

"yeah, yeah. my mom made pancakes they're downstairs with nick and chris." i say and turn around. however, before leaving the room, i stop before adding onto it:

"and hurry the fuck up "

i hear her scoff so i slam the door behind me.

just for good measure.

i hop down the stairs and reach the kitchen to find nick and chris stuffing their faces with pancakes.

i laugh silently at them and take my seat.

"did you wake up may?" chris asks

i nod, and nick and chris give each other a weird look.

"what?" i question and they just shrug it off.

"nothing, just... whyd you take the time and effort to wake her up if you hate her?" nick questions and chris tries to contain his laughter.

"                                                                                                               "I'm sick of her self-centered-narcistic-actions she does by making us all late." explain with attitude.

before either one can say anything further on this topic, i change the subject.

"nick, have you edited tomorrows video yet?"

he rolls his eyes and replies, "no. i'm swamped with that project Mrs.Fits is having us do. can you help me?"

i scoff, "fine."

before nick can thank me, may comes down the stairs and sits next to nick.

her outfit is fire, holy shit.

"why didn't you wake me?" she asks him

"to be completely honest, i'm kind of scared of your morning self. your quite grumpy." he defends himself

she rolls her dark blue eyes and pouts, "i'm not that grumpy."

then the two erupt into giggles at the lie she just told.

real funny. i'm laughing so hard.

i roll my eyes and stab a fork into my pancakes and take the last bite.

"we gotta go." i say and stand up, grabbing my backpack and phone from the counter.

"may hasn't even eaten anything-" chris tried but i cut him off

"maybe she shouldn't of spent so much time getting ready, then."

may clenches her jaw as i say this and rolls her eyes, standing up.

the rest of the group followed suit, and grabs their stuff to make our way to the car.

i open the drivers seat, and chris sit in passenger. nick sits directly behind me, with maya in the seat next to him behind chris.

i start the car and chris jumps to grab the aux chord.

maya and nick groan at the thought of listening to rap music non stop and chris smile mischievously as "poof" by yung pleit, chris' favourite artist, begins.

chris sings along to the worlds when nick starts conversation.

"may, how's conrad?"

"uh...he's good. working a lot, so he can go to college out of state though." she replies.

"hmm, yeah. what school is he thinking of going to?" he asks

"i think he's going for UPEN since he got an offer for basketball." she says

"that's cool. what schools are you thinking of going to?" he says

she tenses at the subject, obviously uncomfortable with it for some reason.

"uh, i uh don't know. haven't given it much thought..." she says

nick seems to understand something immediately and his whole demeanour changes, and so does chris who says

"that's fine. you don't need to have it all figured out.. you can take a gap year or something."

why the fuck is going on? what's up with her?

she seems to get even more uncomfortable and chris pauses the music.

"or not, anything you want is fine." nick says, and slaps chris's arm.

"yeah." chris says.

she just nods and fidgets with her sweater.

why are they all acting so goddamn weird? what do they know that i dont?

see, may had been spending more and more nights at our place. i didn't know why, i think her and nick had like movie nights or something. i'm not sure.

but, my mom always makes sure to ask nick 'how she was doing' and all that shit when she left.

whenever i asked why she spent so much time here, chris just shut me up and told me it was nothing. it low key annoyed me.

like, i have the right to know why she spends every fucking day at MY house.

my hands tighten around the steering wheel and i speed up a little bit to make it across the road before the yellow light turns red.

"Calm down, it ain't that serious, bud." Nick says from the back seat.

"what crawled up matt's ass today?" he jokes.

may laughs.

it's not that fucking funny.

i scoff and pull into the parking lot aggressively.

"you're welcome" i mutter and get out if the car as quick as possible. 

i hear may say something to nick but i can't hear it exactly since i'm already halfway to the school.

fuck them.

all info can be found in the description of the book. i do not do these authors notes frequently, so it may seem a little confusing. please let me know how the book is so far if you are reading this and thankyou for those few who are. i will most likely post regularly and the chapters will be short (800-1000 words) similar to these first two chapters. please don't feel shy or hesitate to share opinions, critiques, and such as it i greatly appreciated. suggestions are welcome however this book is already planned quite thoroughly, so it would be more "oh, they should go on a picnic" and such. i am still working on the cover for this book, please bare with me. this is my first sturniolo fan fiction, so it may not be the best however i am trying to make it as good as possible. when i am finished all chapters it will be translated to french.

thankyou for reading,
             Levi (your lovely author)

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