bad day

116 3 7

i walk into the room to see her at her desk on her phone.

seemingly already annoyed at her mere presence, i walk past her until she calls my name.

« matthew » she says, not looking up from her phone.

i scoff.

« what, maya? » she looks up at me i say this, with an angry expression

1 matt
0 may

« don't use my full name. » she says, trying to be threatening.

i'm fully aware she hates it when people use her full name, i'm not sure why she does but i love pissing her off, so it works.

« but anyway, where's nick? do you know? » she changes the subject.

i scoff.

why does everyone assume that because were triplets we know exactly where one another are?

want me to telepathically tell you he's in the downstairs bathroom taking a shit?

« i don't know, maya. maybe at his locker getting his stuff? » i say, smug since it's obvious.

«stop calling me that. » she says finally making direct eye contact.

i'm slightly taken a back. she's gorgeous. no matter how much i hate her, i can't lie. her dark blonde hair compliments her high cheekbones perfectly. her blue eyes under her long dark eyelashes and perfectly kept eyebrows are everything. her style, i mean look at what she's wearing.

but i can't like her. not after she ghosted me.

suddenly re-aware of my hatred for her, i respond.

« or what, maya? it's your name. »

she looks at me like i murdered her cat.

« because it's - » she closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath to calm herself.
                                                                                                                                                        « please don't call me that. i don't like it. » she opens her eyes and finds mine.

«well, it's your legal name and unless you change it i'm not breaking any rules. it doesn't matter if you don't like it becau -maya ?» she wasn't even listening to me, she was looking at me weirdly the whole time


how cute.

i smirk at her.

she blushes and roles her eyes purposely, i take this as my chance to tease her.

« too busy admiring me to even hear what it is i'm saying? wow, maya. your down bad. » i say, smug.

she eyes me down.

she's only a little intimidating.

okay a lot.

seriously, i would rather be held at gunpoint by some italian mafia boss then have her stare at me like this.

« don't fucking call me that, and don't ever open that trap of yours again. »

i'm a bit taken back by her seriousness. usually we're quite playful, but i must of said something.

attempting to regain our friendly banter again, i continue.
« whatever you say, maya. »

oh she did not like that.

she pushes up from her desk and stares at me, fuming. i meet her gaze with a smug smile, satisfied that i got on her nerves.

Kill me now. ||MATT STURNIOLO FAN FALSEWhere stories live. Discover now