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matt's hand is on my thigh.

holy shit, speak maya. it's not like you like him.

"sorry." he apologizes after removing his hand.

"yeah no problem." i say, repositioning myself in my spot next to him.

he says  something after this but i was a little..distracted, so i didn't hear him, but as if he was trying to embarrass me, he looks at me expectantly as if he'd just asked me a question.


i swallow and clear my throat. "yeah, um- sure. no problem."

he raises an eyebrow "which one, may?" he says that in almost a teasing tone

"uh, sorry- what?"

he rolls his eyes and speaks "distracted?"

nope. nopeeeeee. noooooooooppppeee. cause i hate you, you hate me.

"no?" i say, red-faced.

he seems to notice my blush and gives me a knowing smile, tilting his head to the side.

what you looking at, Bernard?

"really?" he says

"of course, mathew." i lie.

"okay. let's get started"

he places his hand on the region between my thigh and knee.

holy fuck. you hate him. then why is he making you feel things? I don't know!

i swallow, and choke out "yeah, um. okay."

"okay. so, wanna do an essay so that it'll be more.. in your strong suit?" he says

"yeah that'd work. would we want to do it like 'i've learned in this that blah blah blah' or like.. about a topic we learned about that we liked?"

"hm.. i think it'd be fun to do the second one," he says

okay. move your hand so i can focus, please.

"alright. what was your favorite thing in socials this semester?" i ask

"well.. we could do like.. globalization?" he suggests

"yeah, sure. give me ideas and i'll write a paragraph we can build off of." i say

"yeah sure."

by the time we finished, i got nothing done because basically that whole time i could not stop thinking about how close matt was to me.

holy shit. what's wrong with me.

right as i'm packing up, i get a text.

family pimp 🔥🔥

family pimp 🔥🔥
hey may, you might wanna stay at the sturniolos tn.

Kill me now. ||MATT STURNIOLO FAN FALSEWhere stories live. Discover now