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"mm- what are the hottest sports?"  nick asks, putting the camera down to tie his skates.

i sit on the bench and she answers "hockey number one no questions asked, um... i would say lacrosse is number two and then football- or soccer as y'all amercan's would say." she unties her shoes

well, i guess i play soccer now

"yea, hottest sports because we played them." chris says, laughing.

"mm- no wonder you're failing school, the only thing that can fit in your impressively large head is your massive ego!" may says, untying her shoe laces.

"no way." chris says, gobsmacked at her comment.

Mays POV

i smile and put on my skate, not really sure how to tie them

why the fuck do they make these so damn difficult?

i scoff at the weird laces and look to chris "can you help me?"

"nu-uh. figure it out yourself, i only have the space in my 'impressively large head' to figure out one skate." he says.

i roll my eyes.

 "nick? can you please help?"

he looks up at me "yep. as soon as i'm done-" he begins

matt gets up, already in his skates and walks over to me. "i'll do it. i'm done anyway."

he crouches down and i push my foot out while thanking him.

matt's been weird to me since he went to my house last week. i mean, we still banter and shit but he's just different, like as if we were becoming friends. i don't want to be friends. i like the relationship we have and i don't want to change it, it's what is.

"thanks, i guess."

but it makes it so hard to not want to be when he looks like that.

stop. i need help. that is matt sturniolo.

yeah, i bet 1000 girls would kill to be in my spot right now. he's so boyfriend.

stop. i really need to stop.

"you're giving boyfriend right now, matthew." i blurt


holy shit. this can not be happening.

i immediately go red faced and all three boys look at me weirdly.

is it just me or is it weirdly hot for an ice rink?

nick looks at me weirdly then smiles when he sees my expression


"care to elaborate, may?" he asks

"nah, im good!" i say and he shakes his head looking back at my feet.

when matt finishes tying my skates i stand, putting my full trust in a tiny half centimeter blade. 

who  thought this would be a good idea? 

oh, yeah: chris owen mother fucking sturniolo.

he decided that we should vlog ice skating for their friday video this week, and so i happily agreed, not knowing how horrible ice skating is.

fuck, will nick leave the "boyfriend" part in???

im gonna see so many ship edits on my for you page.

the three boys follow close behind me when i step on the ice and cling to the wall harder then a middle aged mom to a samsung tv on black-friday. of course chris and matt do this whole little escapade thing while getting on the ice.

the one thing about hockey boys is that they are super cocky, even the Ex- Hockey boys.

nick laughs at me when he gets on, and i immediately grab his hand when he offers it in hopes that i don't fall.

"you're fine." he says

matt and chris skate over to us and i slowly turn to my front to attempt skating in the direction everyone else is.

"alright, get off me. i gotta start vlogging." nick says, pushing me off.

i nearly fall.

i'm going to die. how the fuck are they supposed to teach me how to play hockey like this?

i nearly fall from nick pushing me, so i try to steady myself by spreading my legs, bending forward, and extending my arms to balance, but my skates decide they're gonna be bitches so i fall.

i brace for impact, however it never comes.

instead, i find myself having collided into matt, taking down the both of us, and his body took the fall for me.


i cringe at the mortifying situation, and hear the loud laughs that come from all three boys and a see camera in my face.

i am quite literally sitting on matt's lap on the floor. this is the most embarrassing moment of my life and it will be in the internet.

i shuffle on top of him, and move to sit on the floor so he can get up. however, he doesn't and decided to laugh so hard he had to lay down.

fuck me.

i bury my hands in my face and laugh

"sorry." i say and matt gets up. i'm still laughing when he stands and offers his hand, which i take and stand.

"does that make me so boyfriend?" he asks

i eye him

"shut up, it was a joke you dumb fuck." i cover up my embarrassment with a laugh.


"mm- yeah sure." nick and chris laugh at his remark.

i roll my eyes and grip his arm in order to not fall while the boys yell at each other, nick filming the whole thing.

im in for the worst hour or so of my life.


❤️. 🤔

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