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matt's point of view.

"and the partners for the project are: Maya and Matt-" i completely zone out after hearing out makes together.

shit. this is going to be the worst few weeks of my whole year.

we're paired for a project in fucking social studies. we have three classes together and it had to be this one.

maya is great at linguistics, and we have french and english together. she would carry and not even make me help in those ones, requiring zero effort from me, and a bonus of zero awkwardness. i know maya will want to help, but i'll have to carry the project so i'll have to help her.

it's not like i don't want to be nice, i'm not mean, it's just i feel like she hates me so i hate her. we used to be best friends until she ditched me. i was sad for a while, then like super mad until recently, when i decided now that i've matured-

crazy word i feel like a physiologist right now

- i recognize that i think i make her uncomfortable so i need to fix that. only problem is, i don't know how nor do i really want to right now and this will be forced proximity with the girl that becomes uncomfortable around me 24/7.

shit she's walking up to my desk.

"alright, let's go." she says as the bell rings.

i stand up and we walk to and out the door.

"we can just work on it right when we get home if that works?" she says as the hallways flood with people.

"yeah. that's fine." i hop down the stairs and walk to my locker, leaving her alone.

not what you want to do to make someone feel comfortable around you, matthew.

i open my locker and grab my stuff, transferring it into my bag when chris comes up to me.

"can we get mcdonald's on the way home?"

"no." i shut my locker and turn around.

i follows behind me and i continue walking to the door.

"please?" he asks


"i'll pay for your food" he says again



"because, i want to go home and get my project done with so i can go to my room so i can sleep."

"those are all your problems, but never mind that because you have a project?" he says


"and you're doing it?"

i roll my eyes.

i'm not a bad student, i have a's and b's i just never show up usually and never so projects. however, making up for my lack of participation, on paper, i just miraculously get amazing results on tests and shit.

Kill me now. ||MATT STURNIOLO FAN FALSEWhere stories live. Discover now