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maya's point of view

i walk into school with a weird feeling present. i feel.. icky. the way my home life was brought up. the way matt got angry at me and sped up for it when he knows why i was uncomfortable, and not to mention the way he just left the car?

what a goddamn child he is.

i'm fuming as i pass all the people in the blue corridor with lockers everywhere as i approach mine.

i see my friend, ellie there and she smiles at me. i keep walking through the croud to my locker.

ellie has dark beautiful skin and black braids down to her mid-back. she's gorgeous. every guy wants her and i can't blame them, i mean..

look at her.

she smiles at me and looks down at my outfit with an unreadable expression.  Do i have something on my shirt?

it's nothing special but it's what eli gave me, and it's not all that bad.

i look uncomfortable when she meets my eyes again.

"so which triplet is it that you like?" she asks

i stare blankly at her, confused.

"none? what do you mean?" i reply.

i blink at her, waiting for her response.

"you spent the night there, yeah?" oh.

"yea but it's for a different reason.." i look for an excuse

"i don't care why you had a sleepover, im hustling wondering why you'd dress like that if you didn't like one of them." she says nonchalantly.

what? dress like what?

i look at her outfit, a beige bike sweater and flared black leggings. maybe i should dress like that, i mean she is right. i put a lot of thought into what i wear and it gives out the wrong vibe.

"yeah, i guess. i mean, i don't like any of them but con packed my bag." i say.

"oh, yeah. how is conrad? i heard he's been working out at my friends boyfriends gym." she says

"yeah, to get in shape for rugby next year. he's hoping to get a scholarship to school for it from UPEN since they send scouts out to his league thing." i say.

"cool. we should totally go to one of his games to embarrass him."

"Yeah, he'd totally kill us" i laugh.

"alright well i gotta get to class early today." she says

"okay! see you later." i say and she leaves.

i walk to find nick, suddenly embarrassed from my outfit now.

i'm wearing low waisted baggy black jeans, a red and white baby tee with red sleeves and a red star on the middle, a necklace my mom gave me for my 14th birthday, red new-balances and a red and white baseball cap with my hair in braids.

she was definitely right. my outfit looks like i'm trying to hard, i don't want to give off the wrong vibe.

i walk into the foyer where the whole fucking population is at is seems and take the stairs up to find my class, which nick and i are both in.

fucking hell, where is this gooddamn guy?

i say when i enter the class a few minutes later, which nick is not in

i sit and open life 360 when matt walks in.

« matthew » i say to him, not looking up from my phone

« what, maya? » he says after scoffing

« don't use my full name. » i hate it when people do. my dads the only one who never called me may and he still refuses to call me may.

i hate it.

« but anyway, where's nick? do you know? »

he scoffs.

« i don't know, maya. maybe at his locker getting his stuff? » he says like it's obvious.

«stop calling me that. » i say finally making eye contact trying to look as intimidating as possible.

« or what, maya? it's your name. »

this bitch.

« because it's fucking-» i cut myself off and take in a deep breath before calming down.

« please don't call me that. i don't like it. » i open my eyes again to find his.

he's very pretty. his dark hair compliments his light blue eyes and fall down over his high cheek bones. it wasn't as if i liked him, he was just a good looking guy.

« -maya? » i catch the end of what he was saying and snap out of it.

he smirks at me.


« too busy admiring me to even hear what it is i'm saying? wow, maya. youre down bad. » he says smugly.

i eye him down as if he just killed a dog.

« don't fucking call me that, and don't ever open that trap of yours again. »

he seems a bit taken back at my seriousness, when usually our banter isn't actually hurting each other.

« whatever you say, maya. »

that's my fucking last straw.

i push up from my desk and stand. i look up at him and he looks down at me with a smug expression.

« fuck off, matthew. » i push past him and walk out the door.

i make eye contact with people while leaving who quickly look away trying to look like they didn't eavesdrop that whole conversation.

« parkinson-»i just before exiting the classroom to see nick.

« hey? what's up? why do you look so mad. » he says

« tell your brother to stop calling me maya. » i say

he gives me an understanding look and looks down at me.

« may, he doesn't know why you don't like it. you can't expect him to act differently around things like that if you don't let us tell him-» he says.

« i get that, i just don't understand why he has to be so... difficult. » i say, trying to pinpoint what is is that makes me so mad at matt.

see, believe it or not, me and matt were best friends.
when i was five, my parents moved from a small town in quebec called percé to right across the street from the sturniolos. me and matt clicked almost instantly and we were best friends for the longest time. me and nick and chris were close too, of course, but me and matt were inseparable.

well, at-least until he ghosted me right when my dad started to get bad.

when i needed him most.

and now he has the audacity to fight with me.

fuck him.



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