Chapter 3 Flower Meets Penleope

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As it turns out unkown to him Flower has yet to meet some friends of Fifi's. who would they happen to be that was for him to find out on his own. however when he had awoken from his peaceful slumber Fifi was nowhere to be found but she was there with him last night.
Just then he herd her voice beckoning him to come towards her. flower got off of the bed and walked towards her beckoning voice as he did this the surroundings that were around him started to change slightly and eventually so did the surrounding atmosphere of her home started to shift and change right before his very eye's. soon he had found himself in a completely different looking place just then he had herd Fifi's voice again and this time a shadowy silhouette of herself could be seen her voice was still beckoning him to come to her.
The look of this strange new place was absolutely stunning.
But with this sudden change of his surroundings and those around him he felt frightened and scared as he continued to walk through this strange new unknown place. he started to hear another voice but he knew that it wasn't Fifi's but he wasn't sure of who it was that the voice belonged to but it soothed and comforted him and it was very beautiful sounding. soon the source of this mysterious creature came into view her tail was wrapped around herself probably to entrance the young skunk
Then her tail unwrapped itself from her own body and then he herd her speaking to him and her frist words that she said to him were Greetings my Friend.
You must feel lost and alone but never fear for I am here to protect and comfort you as you make your way through this unkown place. flower stood in awe at the creatures appearance.
She then motioned for him to come fourth with the tip of her tail. his eye's widened at this gesture but little did he realize this was a sign of affection. so he made his way towards her and she smiled and then wrapped her tail around him and proceeded to have it stroking and caressing his entire body.
I'm Flower he said ooh that is such a lovely name the creature said as her tail continued to stroke and caress flower's entire body and what's your name flower asked ? I'm Penleope Pussycat but you can call me Penelope she said. then she had a flirtatious look in her eye's and she then spoke to him in a flirtatious mannerism Come and Follow Me she said. as she lead him towards another part of this strange unkown place. that was unknown to him as she kept walking flower looked up at her and saw that she was smiling. something was about to happen that would forever change his life. and he was about to find out
What was going to happen to him. and to find out what will happen to flower find out in chapter 4 of this story entitled welcome to the club Flower.

The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now