Chapter 7 Penelope's Treasure Chamber

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Penleope led the group into the mysterious area that they arrived at however it was Actually A Chamber filled with treasures beyond their wildest dreams. they were all in awe
At the treasures that surrounded them. welcome to my Treasure chamber everybody Penleope announced to them excitedly.
The mere amount of Gems and jewels that she had in her possession was absolutely astonishing. they had no idea that she was so very passionate about collecting gems and jewels.
They glistened and glimmered
It truly was a sight to behold.
As they continued walking the overall atmosphere felt like one big illusion especially with all of the gems placed throughout. however that was not the case as it was all real and that was just the beginning. for she had even more wonderful treasures that she had acquired as she lead them towards the lower part of the treasure chamber. at first though it seemed like there wasn't as many treasures as there were on the main part however there were many different types of treasures. one of them though had caught the attention of Fifi in particular she stopped to take a look at it was a bright red gem that sparkled glistened and glimmered ooh what a pretty looking gem she thought to herself admiring it's beautiful appearance. As she wanted to touch it. but she was stopped by Penleope. who warned her that gem while it was very attractive it carried a dangerous curse and whoever removed it would then also be affected by the curse. that it was possessed with hearing this she then rejoined the rest of the group and decided that it wasn't worth touching even though it was only a gem. one that carried with it an unfortunate curse. Flower and Kansas were both in awe at the abundance of treasures. Penleope held in her possession. you know I don't believe that we've meet before what's you're name she asked ?
I'm flower he said and who might you be? well Top Of The Morning To Ya she said I'm Kansas City Kitty and it's so nice to meet you she said shaking flower's hand likewise I'm sure said flower as he shook her hand.
Then Fifi and Penelope were seen looking at the other gems Penleope had displayed in her chamber. so were exactly did you find that cursed gem? asked Fifi I found it a long time ago but were exactly I'm not entirely sure on were I found it Penleope said but I'm sure I'll be able to find another one just like it that isn't cursed but is safe for you to keep as a souvenir hearing this pleased Fifi and since she liked it especially the one that was displayed in Penelope's treasure chamber it would make sense for her to keep the excat same gem but just were was Penleope going to find one that looked exactly like it that was for her to find out on her own. so where to next ? Asked flower we have 2 more places for you to visit and witness Kansas told him and it just so happens that one of them is the laundromat of love flower was intrigued by this and the name alone to him sounded very interesting. find out what his first visit to there is like in chapter 8 of this story until then though. you'll have to wait for the next part of this story to be worked on written out and published.

The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now