Chapter 5 The Trial Of The Volcano/Flower's Ceremony

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Now that you have successfully made your way up the volcano
You're ceremony shall now commence penleope said to flower. Suddenly before anyone could say anything or before flower could do anything the volcano rumbled and that took Fifi and Kansas City Kitty by surprise and it caught them both off-guard. however penelope knew what this meant she smiled and then looked at flower the volcano has spoken flower has been called fourth to partake in the trials that the volcano has put in place for him. trials what trials? He asked unsure of what was going on or what she had ment by that but this was his chance to be accepted into their group. and he was anxious as to what would happen to him after partaking in these trials that the volcano had made for him to complete. then penelope said to him Go fourth and return when you have finished hearing those words coming from her made flower feel encouraged and so he set off ready to accomplish his tasks. and while this was going on Fifi Penleope and Kansas watched they hoped that he would be able to join there group as newly initiated member. oh hopefully the young lad is able to join our ranks Kansas said and if not what would become of him ?
Well to tell You and Fifi the truth penleope said. The answer lies within flower himself and in the end that well determine whether or not he ends up joining our ranks. just then though when they happen to look over and to see how he was doing. It was apparent that flower had finished all of the tasks that the volcano had put in place for him to complete. flower then told them that he had finished all of the tasks on his own and to say that they were impressed would be an understatement. they were very impressed by his efforts they then congratulated him on completing all of his tasks. penleope then told him from this moment on you shall now be known as Skunk Bait Skunk Bait Ooh Ha Ha chanted Fifi and Kansas. welcome brother Skunk Bait penleope said addressing her fellow group mates Skunk Bait Ooh Ha Ha they chanted again.enough with the skunk bait penleope said getting slightly annoyed at them. Skunk Bait that was from Kansas who suddenly stopped after Fifi glanced over to her and that alone made her stop chanting flower's new nickname .
And now that he was properly initiated into their group what would happen next ? Stay tuned to find out in chapter 6 of this story

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