Chapter 4 Welcome To The Club Flower

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Flower had no idea what he was getting himself into. or what was going on but. all of that would eventually be explained to him.
It's just that for now everything still remains a secret then he began to hear a noise that sounded like lava flowing from a volcano. but when he looked for the source of the sound. he didn't see one anywhere that is untill when he looked around and saw one that was right in front of him. he then noticed that Penleope was leading him towards it hence why she was seen smiling when he looked at her during the previous chapter. she then said to him your destiny awaits you beyond this volcano go fourth and I shall meet you on the other side. and with that flower walked towards the volcano and looked up at it.
The mere sight of it alone made him stare at it in absolute fear. he wasn't sure about this but he had to fill-full his destiny. so he started to make his way up the volcano. and as he did this he started to hear chanting of some sort his ears perked up at this. he wasn't sure where it was coming from or who was doing it. And as he came closer to the summit of the almighty mountain. he saw Kansas City Kitty. who he hasn't met yet awaiting for his arrival however she wouldn't let him pass she blocked him from the path that was behind her and that was were he needed to go. She held up her paw in front of him and said HAULT before you proceed you must be slapped ceremoniously with the frond.
Flower wasn't sure what she ment by that he also wasn't expecting this to happen to him.
Just then she returned with the frond in her paw behold I hold in my paw the frond witch is your key to being accepted into our group she then proceeded to ceremoniously slap the frond against him you may proceed
She said then said to him. welcome to the club. Flower continued climbing up the mountain on his way to meet penleope who would be waiting for him on the other side just then the sound of bubbling bubbles could be herd emerging from the summit he saw some bubbles floating out from it. but before he came to that area. he had been halted again. but this time he was halted by Fifi. oh no not again he thought to himself
What's going on here flower asked however Fifi couldn't tell him what was happening well not yet. annyways she glanced at him and her facial expression seemed serious and worried
she then proceeded to let him continue up the path towards the summit of the volcano. with the continuous stream of bubbles bubbling out from the volcano's top.Untill he actually had reached the summit of the volcano and Penelope was there on the other side awaiting him. then suddenly the chanting had stopped and silence was herd throughout. Fifi and Kansas had joined Penelope At the top of the volcano. what was about to happen next would change how flower would view his newfound freinds. what will happen to him in the next chapter of this story? Stay tuned to find out.

The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now