Chapter 6 The River Cruise Of Romance

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So now that I've been properly inducted into the group what happens now ? Asked flower
As he was seen walking with Fifi and Penelope well not much said penleope. other then going on a river cruise with us. oh wow that does sound like fun said flower indeed it does Fifi Said then the three of them arrived at the river where the cruse was going to take place at take a look at those boats don't they look simply marvelous penleope said. oh yes they most certainly do one might even say that they look beautiful Fifi said as they looked at the boats then they walked towards the boat that looked the most beautiful to them. then as flower looked over he saw that Penleope and Fifi were both on the boat and they motioned for flower to join them And as he did this there was this slight sensation he felt when he got onto the boat but it wasn't just an ordinary boat it was a rowboat Ooh look we're on a rowboat ! penleope said excitedly And there's also oars on the sides of the boat Fifi said. pointing that detail out to her freind then they both looked at eachother and then to flower. and then at that moment they got an idea as they smiled at flower he was unaware of what they had planned for him but he was about to find out as the rowboat began to move and penleope started to row the oars.
Wait what's going on asked Flower ? As he noticed and saw Penelope rowing the oars just then Fifi was herd vocalizing but he didn't see her at all untill she came into his line of view and started to walk towards him with seductive flare. flower wasn't sure how to feel about this but he felt soothed by Fifi and her vocalizations. but then the rowing of the oars And the vocalizing started to combine with eachother thus it ended up creating a song of some sort then suddenly the boat came near a waterfall and on cue it started trickling water the vocalizing and rowing of the oars continued as the boat made it's way through the waterfall and then suddenly out of nowhere Kansas City Kitty. appeared and caught flower by surprise and then at the sudden snap of her paw and as part of the song Penelope started chanting while she was rowing the oars. And Fifi's vocalizations continued they seemed unaffected by the snap of her paw. then as the boat came out of the waterfall it then was apparent to flower what was going on and it was all starting to make sense just then the boat had come to a stop and Penelope Fifi and Kansas got off of the boat then flower got off the boat as well. And where the boat had stopped at was truly a sight for him to behold. and in chapter 7 of this story stay tuned to find out what awaits our hero's inside of the mysterious place

The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now