Chapter 8 Flower's Visit To The Laundromat Of Love

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So why is it called the laundromat of love? Flower asked he wondered why such a place like this would have a name like that . Well he was about to find out and as he went inside all the sights and sounds of the laundromat came to life right before his very own eye's.
Whoah he said astounded by his surroundings he felt very relaxed amongst these newfound surroundings . He looked over and saw Penelope Fifi and Kansas they were doing laundry but the way that they were doing it intrigued flower.
They seemed to be creating a beat and rhythm while they were working on doing the Landry. And as they where doing this flower took notice of there body movement's. and how they got into the rhythm of working with the Landry there method of doing it was flawless he watched them in awe and with interest. then Kansas was carrying a thing full of suds then Fifi opened up the lid of the dryer and Kansas poured the suds into the dryer and as soon she closed the lid and turned the dial the rhythm had turly begun. penelope deposited some clothes into the washing machine and as she closed the lid and turned the dial she started moving to the beat
Fifi looked over at the dryer and she herd the sounds of the suds and then as she opened the lid she said here comes the bubbles
She proceeded to pop them as they floated out of the dryer and as the beat and rhythm. continued she would continue to pop the bubbles as they floated out of the dryer . And over by the clothesline Kansas was seen rhythmically tapping her paws on top of a dryer she was also rhythmically tapping her toes and her tail was seen swishing back and forth the dryer she was doing this at was different from the one fifi was at. And as penleope walked away from the washing machine she was still moving to the beat and rhythm of the laundromat. flower looked over at the washing machine and walked over to see and watch the clothes as they were getting washed as he did this his own tail started to swish and sway to the rhythm. penleope then started to push a Landry Cart with her paws and she started to sing while she did this. and eventually so did Fifi and Kansas. as they did this eventually there voices started mixing with each other there singing voices sounded very attractive and soothingly Beautiful. as they continued to sing Fifi was still rhythmically popping the bubbles that floated out of the dryer. and Kansas was tapping her paws and her toes. and flower continued watching the washer then the washer had finished washing the clothes. but the rhythm and beat of the laundromat song continued. as the clothesline started to move the clothes that where on it rhythmically in tune with the song. Penelope then made her way to the washer and opened the door and put the freshly cleaned clothes in the Landry cart that she was pushing with her paws and she shut the door she continued to sing Fifi and Kansas also continued to sing as they made there way towards Flower. the next thing he knew
He was lifted up by Fifi and Kansas and was now in the Landry cart and enjoying the ride he was getting the song and rhythm and beat of the laundromat continued then as they left the Laundromat the clothesline and the suds had suddenly stopped and so did the song and as flower got out of the landury cart and returned It to it's rightful place. and after that the three of them went to there next place for flower to visit with them by his side. and what was this place? well just wait and see until chapter 9 of this story comes out.

The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now