Chapter 9 The Ancient Art of Hula Dancing

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The next location for our group of friends to visit was a Beach
And it was called Waikiki Beach.
Ah this is the perfect spot for us to practice the Ancient Art Of
Hula Dancing penleope said as she told her friends however what she didn't tell them was that Fifi and flower would be the ones doing the dancing. luckily for them Kansas And penleope would teach them all that they needed to know about this ancient form of Hawaiian culture so what's first? Asked flower first you have to get into the feeling and rhythm of it penleope told them as she demonstrated swaying her hips
In tune and in time to the music.
Witch was provided by Kansas City Kitty who was beating her paws on a drum that had a tropical percussion sound to it
Witch was perfect for this type of dancing. as she continued demonstrating to them how to Hula dance as they continued to watch her as she danced flower was mesmerized by Penelope's swaying hips and eventually even her tail started to swish and sway to the tropical percussion sound of the drum.
Fifi was impressed by Penelope's
Ability to dance to the beat and rhythm of the music. hey keep it up you're doing great Kansas said to penleope. hearing this she felt proud of her cousins comment. and as she continued to dance flower eventually joined her as his hips were Also swishing and swaying to the tropical percussion sound of the music that they were both dancing to. Well I guess that the rhythm of the song convinced me to dance with you flower said then penleope smiled and looked at him as she continued to dance with him. then not long after that Fifi took over for penleope and the two of them danced ever so beautifully. looks like I've taught them well penleope said to herself as she smiled and continued to watch them as they danced. however they were all unaware that they were being watched over by the ancient Hawaiian goods and goddesses who actually lived in the Enchanted Tiki Room. and that's also were they resided in and they're apperince was that of tiki statues and there main leader was the one that was watching them with interest how very interesting he said to himself. they must live a very fascinating lifestyle and it would be nice to learn more about them he then called José who was a macaw yes he asked ? what is it that you've called me for I want you to find these interesting anformorpich creatures that seem to have a taste and appreciation for Hawaiian culture. here have a look for yourself José did so and was interested by what he saw
Then he spoke to the main leader I will find them and bring them here to you oh great and wise leader he said bowing down to him and flying off.
Excellent he said as he smiled and rubbed his hands together
The final chapter of this story Chapter 10 will be worked on and published very soon stay tuned to find out what will happen in that part of this story

The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now