Chapter 10 Reuniting With Old Freinds

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As the group left the beautiful Waikiki Beach. Flower still had the uneasy feeling that they were being followed but when he looked back he saw nothing. and thought that it was all in his mind. he must've of been imagining that they were being followed. so he stayed very close to his friends when they came to Penelope's house and opened the door they saw some old friends of there's and as the group went inside and as penleope closed the door to her house they saw that Rita and Runt had came by to visit them well this is a pleasant surprise to be seeing you again she said same with Runt. oh well you know how we are when meeting new people
And reuniting with old friends.
Rita said as she smiled while stroking and caressing Runt's hair and chin with her paws. ah this feels good he said keep it up
Please hearing this Rita continued and Runt felt so relaxed and comforted by this that his tail started to wagg and he started panting happily with his tounge. So Rita this is my cousin Kansas City Kitty penleope said as she introduced her to Rita Kansas greeted her and welcomed her warmly and this is Flower please forgive him if he seems a bit shy that is just part of his personality penleope said explaining to Rita and Runt.
Well it is very nice to meet the both of you said Rita yeah we love meeting and making new friends Runt said and with that
Kansas and Flower felt right at home and loved meeting there new-found friends. and that was the end of the scent of love (A Love Story) Featuring Fifi and Flower hopefully you all enjoyed the story and loved the character dynamics between the one's that were featured and included in this Story and please stay tuned for more future and upcoming story's that will be made and published on Wattpad very soon until then look out for the next exciting story to be written and published on Wattpad.
Cast Of Characters Flower Fifi Penleope And Kansas José and the main leader of The Enchanted Tiki Room who shall remain nameless untill further notice And finally Rita and Runt

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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The Scent Of Love (A Love Story) Featuring Flower and Fifi Where stories live. Discover now