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" soldiers overnight "
ACT ONE  —  we swim in dreams

(  MAGNETIC  )" soldiers overnight "ACT ONE  —  we swim in dreams

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' duty after school '
chap '2

im dabin was never a man of many words. he'd rather show his ways through actions, he'd rather do things than just talk.

he wasn't sure if he had always been that way. when he was younger he thought something was wrong with him. but when he remembers the last few years, he just thinks that he is that way because of how annoying people can be.

annoying in any and every way possible.

just like right now.

he was at his house after another long and tiring day of school. the paper he had gotten from his homeroom teacher for their parents to sign was neatly placed on the kitchen counter, but no one was there to sign it.

his father was barely at home due to his job at the military. dabin didn't mind his absence, he was rather happy to not see him around much, as the two of them would often get into fights. dabin never being the one to start it.

his mother would never interfere whenever dabin's father raised his voice and fists at him. how could she, when her husband was like that to her, too. so she stayed quiet, taking her daughter into the farthest room whenever they were fighting.

dabin used to hate his mother for that. for protecting his younger sister, but never him. for looking out for her daughter, but never her son.

he got over it eventually, but it did cost him a lot of effort. he was older now and able to protect himself, his younger sister and their mother.

with a sigh dabin left the kitchen and went to check up on his younger sister. hari had just started elementary school and as it was already late, the young girl was sound asleep in her bed. he quickly shut the door to not disturb her.

his mother wasn't home and he couldn't reach her, again. inside his room he picked up his phone to see if she had texted or called him back, but there was nothing. dabin layed down on his bed, throwing his arm over his face. he hated how much his parents annoyed him.

he also hated how the only person who wasn't annoying was so far away.

"i can't just come over," soyeon said through the phone. "you live at the end of the world!" she complained to jina.

the two girls were facetiming. their call had started because both of them were unsure on what to bring for their military training. but that topic was quickly dismissed when jina complimented soyeon's outfit.

𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂     𝗱𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹Where stories live. Discover now