Chapter One

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  "Oh c'mon Ri, just one party!" Meg whined.

  I grabbed bag of chips from the bedside table and started munching before shaking mg head. "No Meg, I've got a meeting tomorrow with my management team. I can't be hungover and on top of that, don't forget that supposedly there's some big news they want to tell me."

  Meg pouted her lips and gave me the puppy dog eyes, putting her hands under her chin to support her face. I rolled my eyes before laughing at her and throwing a pillow.

  "Okay! Okay! Fine, I'll go. Under one condition thought," Letting out an exasperated sigh, I raise my eyebrows at her making sure she was paying attention. "You can't get deadshit drunk like last time and I won't drink too much."

  Meg nodded her head eagerly and sat in my bed while I got ready. Our parents have known each other since we met at the playground at 5 and because of that, Meg and I live together now. We've kept work and life separate for a super long time and it was supposed to stay that way. However, today's party was the premier for Zombies 3. Actually more of an after party.

  Meg was the lead actress for Zombies and she could dance, sing and basically she was amazing at everything she did. I, on the other hand, get modelling gigs, designing jobs and i bounce around the arts industry. My life isn't too bad and im happy with the small limelight i receive from the modelling gigs I do.

  I play with my hair a little and fluff it around hoping it sits in a nice position. I line my lips with my lip liner and make a kissy face deciding if my makeup is good enough for an event after party. I shrug and grab my handbag and red kitten heels.
  Meg's eyes widened, "You look so hot, I might almost swing the other way."

  I giggle at her compliment while i sit down on my bed and she stands up and takes her phone off the table getting her shoes on. Meg takes a picture of me while I sit daydreaming on my bed. I roll my eyes and told her to take my camera out from the front pocket of my other bag.



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Liked by megdonelly and 24,424 others @alariebeaudelaire Forcing me out on a Sunday night! 🪩🥂

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Liked by megdonelly and 24,424 others
@alariebeaudelaire Forcing me out on a Sunday night! 🪩🥂

View all 706 comments

user: she's so pretty

user: literally looks like a barbie 💕

megdonelly: AHH don't regret it tho 😘 (Liked by alariebeaudelaire)
alariebeaudelaire: hate you bae 😍

megdonelly: we are so cutesies WTH 🤩
alrariebeaudelaire: actually tho 🤭

user: Wait i'm in love with her shoes.. link? 💕
    alariebeaudelaire: Super comfy too! Zara 💓

sabrinacarpenter: Gorge 🥴 (Liked by alariebeaudelaire)
    alariebeaudelaire: Dead 😵 Love your music queen 🤍

user: get her to act in Barbie cuz literally perfect

user: she looks like she could be a bitch
    alariebeaudelaire: Yea I can be sometimes ngl 😞

  We got out of the uber and Meg grabbed my hand, "It's like any college party you've been to. Just a little more fancy."

  I nodded and walked into the event with her. I looked around and there were people laced in fancy clothes and fancy rich people accents. You can actually tell the difference if you're not around people like them consistently. I scoffed a little jokingly to Meg, "Little is an understatement, Meg."

  She laughed at me and brought me to the bar at the back of the bistro. I ordered a Cocktail and Meg ordered Red Wine. "You know Ri, I know we said we didn't want to mix work and friendship together, but i really think you should meet the Zombies cast. They're really nice and maybe they'd get you out the house a little more?"

"I take offence to that, I do go out Meg."

"Yeah, for work. Or school. Never to actually have fun other than coffee runs with me." Meg defended. Sighing, I nodded in agreement. She was partially right, I could get out more. I just preferred staying home, I had work every now and then but it wasn't often. Which is why my management said there was some huge news tomorrow.

Meg told me to stay here while she went to talk to her cast mates. I leaned over the counter and smiled at the bartender, signing I wanted a refill for my Cocktail. I felt a presence next to me and I moved to the side a bit making space for the person.

"You don't seem too happy to be at an after party for a show premier." The persons voice was deep and he had charm lacing it.

"Yeah! Well I was kind of dragged here by my best friend." I played with the little umbrella that came with my drink. Looking at my nails and fidgeting.

"That's unfortunate, I think you would actually enjoy it if you stopped looking down and actually looked around."

I rolled my eyes internally, lifting my head up about to say something to the guy. Soon realising no one was beside me anymore. I furrowed my brows weirded out, he must've walked away after he said that.

I saw Meg walking towards to me, smiling. I smiled at her, "How were your friends?"

"They're having fun. You don't seem like you are though."

"Yeah, not really. It's not my jam." Meg grabbed my hand and leaned on my shoulder. "I mean it you know, if you tried to talk to people around you maybe you'd have fun. If you wanna go home we can."

I shake my head, "You can stay, I need to turn in early at work anyways." She frowned a little but nodded and told me to get home safe. I walked out the building and shrugged, I tried. I think that's a step forward.


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