Chapter Four

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"You know I can disable the comments right?"Milo mumbled. I sighed and lightly smiled at him, "Thank you but no. That would just make things worse."

I sat myself upright and turned my head to Milo who was still hovering over me slightly even though we were seated. I observe his facial movements. From his nose twitching, his eyes just staring at me and him licking his lips.

"Let's do it."

Milo's face turned red, "Do what..?"

I looked at his dumbfounded at what he could be thinking of and then it clicked, "No you idiot. As in lets be cast members. Let's work together. Let's do School Spirits together."

His face did the 'Oh' expression, finally understanding what I meant.

"You're funny, did you know that?"

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

Milo smiles at me before his smile turns into a tight lipped smile, "Could I ask you something?"

I nodded, "Sure, Milo."

"What really happened with your ex. How bad were the tabloids?"

I look at Milo, trying to figure out what to say to him. I let out a breath before turning my body to face him. "I'm telling you this because I think after making pasta with you and now having to act with you, I consider you a friend."

Milo smiled innocently, "It takes making pasta with you to be friends huh?"

I gave him the 'duh' face and he chuckled. "Anyways, Bradley Connors, you know the guy who was in that one movie with the tentacles and the underwater stuff?" Milo nodded. "Well while he filmed that movie, I found out he cheated. He slept with his co-star and it was genuinely really expected considering he never really treated me right."

"What did he do? Other than cheat," Milo asked, looking apathetic.

*mention of abuse*

"He was always physical with me. Accidentally as he would say. But when it happens one too many times, you tend to stop believing it."

Milo nodded understanding, staying quiet at the same time allowing me to continue. "He would shove me, sometimes it would lead to bruises needed to be covered with makeup."

*end of mention of abuse*

I looked over to Milo to see his eyes soften. He slid closer to me and grabbed my hand again. Rubbing it gently in a soothing way. I chuckled, "The part that sucked though was knowing the tabloids would paint him as perfect and make me seem like the psycho ex girlfriend or something."

Sighing, "That's why I kept quiet about everything. That's why it was a 'mutual' breakup. Either way the tabloids attacked me."

"He's a dick."

I smiled at Milo, laughing a little, "You got that right."

I scooted over to milo and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Thank you."

"What for?" Milo asked, confusion laced his voice.

"Well, it's nice talking to someone other than Meg and I was too scared too a lot of the time. You got me out my comfort zone," I looked up at him smiling. "Well partially out of my comfort zone."

"Why partially?" Milo chuckled.

"'Cuz I still have to act and I have never done that in my life."

Milo looked at me and his eyes switched from my lips to my eyes and the rest of my face ever so slightly. His eyes got me hooked. His smile lines, his smile in general.
  His charisma could fill an empty room and he always seemed to have a joke or two up his sleeve. I smiled at Milo before my breath hitched realising he was leaning in ever so slightly. He was centimeters away and my heart was in my throat. As I was about to occupy the space between us, the keys jingled outside the house.

"Hey Alarie! I'm back. Is Milo still here? Are those his shoes?" Meg's voice was getting closer. Milo and I sat away from each other and cleared our throat. Milo's focus went back to Criminal Minds.

"Yeah, Meg. He's here."

Meg walked in and tossed her bag on the counter. Her eyebrows laced together in confusion. "I feel like I just cockblocked someone here.." My eyes widened and I stood up, "What are you even talking about."

Nervousness was present in my voice and Milo spoke up, "We just got spooked from the show a little."

Meg furrowed her brows, she knew I never get spooked over anything. I've seen real ghost's and I never got scared. Way to go Milo.

She nodded her head and chuckled, "I see... spooked."

Meg passed me a cup of apple juice, "So did you decide already?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, I'm taking the job."

Meg jumped and started dancing around the room with me, "Oh Milo! What did you do to get her to agree?"

Milo laughed and joined in on the fun. Lana Del Rey still playing as it layered with the echoes of our laughs that filled the whole house.


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