Chapter Six

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"Ri c'mon, you have got to tell me what is up with you and Milo," Meg insisted as we walked down the road from our house to the nearby jazz club. We didn't want to go to an actual club with disco lights and loud booming music considering it has been a while since I had been out the house for a night out.

"Nothing Meg. I'm serious. He just showed me that I do have to start living a little. Plus i'm going to be a lead in the show. It would only make sense if I actually had a life and knew how to communicate with people."

Meg nodded, not even slightly convinced. She knew I had a major crush on Milo since she first started filming with him. "Hey, do you remember about like 5 years ago when you made that birthday party with me, for me, you told me to invite Milo?"

I furrowed my brows trying to recollect my thoughts, genuinely confused. When it hit. I had met Milo before but it was for a split second. I had made Meg a birthday party 5 years ago and she had invited some of her cast mates from Zombies. Milo was there but I never once talked to him because on that night I had just had an argument with Bradley Connors, my ex.

"I never talked to him that night though?" I furrowed my brows at Meg, not knowing what she was trying to get at.

"I never said you did. You were upset about Brad so you wished me and spent the day after with me instead of at the party," Meg said hoping I understood what she was trying to say.

"I still don't get it..." I look at Meg and we both break out into laughter. "All i'm trying to say is that it's a full circle moment."

"Like an invisible string connecting you guys together, you know?" Meg continued.

  I nodded smiling, "Probably? Or maybe the invisible string is you?"

Meg shoved my shoulder jokingly as we turned into the jazz club, Martino's. We approached the table and they served us a glass of red wine and soothing Jazz music was playing in the background. A small artist was said to be singing later so we wanted to stay long enough to hear that.

"Are you nervous for the meeting tomorrow?" Meg chirped. I looked up from the menu before I nodded lightly.

"To be honest? Kinda? But at the same time, for once, i'm excited for something new," I smiled. I took a sip of my red wine before continuing, "My life has been too peaceful over the years."

"You missing the screaming and fighting? The drama? The action?" Meg laughed.

I almost choked on the wine before laughing, "Not the fighting. Definitely not the screaming. Drama a little? The action? Fuck yes."

Meg giggled, "Let's get you some tonight then."

The host for the night announced they were switching tonights music to R&B and a little indie. Meg and I screeched as Hozier started playing. We used to blast his music on days we stayed in together. It was the type of vibe we liked when things in our lives got too busy and we needed that feel of soul in our lives.

Our food we ordered arrived and we didn't waste time to finish it in less than 30 minutes. Taking my last sip of red wine, "Meg, you wanna go down the road to that actual R&B club?"

"Sure! Can we invite Drake? I think he has a friend that wants to meet you," Meg winked jokingly.

As we stood up and walked to the club, I started getting curious about the guy, "Who is this guy?"

"Drake just met him a few weeks ago at a work party and they hang every now and then. I think Drake showed him your picture when he was talking about me."

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