Chapter Two

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  My alarm pierced my ears. God was it early. I woke up at 4 in the morning because I had to get to work by 5. I dragged myself out of bed and did my morning routine. Brushing my teeth, taking a shower and doing my hair. I did my makeup a little and tossed on a simple fit.


Liked by megdonelly , milomanheim and 10,324 others @alariebeaudelaire Morning 🌅

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Liked by megdonelly , milomanheim and 10,324 others
@alariebeaudelaire Morning 🌅

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user: How does she exist

user: crazy how she looks like THAT

megdonelly: mother is mothering 😝
alariebeaudelaire: yes queen

milomanheim: 🤔
megdonelly: milo..?


user: milo manheim and this nobody???

I turned my phone off and got out the house taking my car to work. When I reached the office I had about 10 minutes to spare. I went to Dunkin Donuts and got 2 coffees and a Bavarian donut. I walked to the elevator while munching on my donut and smiled when I saw my manager Elise outside the elevator door.

"Elise! Hey! Are you gonna give me a sneak peek on the big news today?" I nudged her jokingly, knowing she wouldn't tell me anything till the actual meeting started. I hand her coffee over to her and she thanked me.

"You're funny you know that. Nice try Alarie, take a seat here," Elise pointed to the seat next to her before she passed a folder to me and started the slides for the meeting.

"Don't open the folder yet, we have three people to wait for." I furrowed my brows at her, "Who are the three?"

"I can only tell you one of them is your publicist." I sighed and nodded while sipping on my coffee.

As Elise pulled out her chair beside me, my publicist and two men walked in. One of them familiar to me. I couldn't grasp who he was, but I recognised him from somewhere.

"Good-morning Alarie! How was your night out yesterday?" I smiled at my publicist, "Morning Casey, it was average."

Elise taps on my shoulder and points to the two men, "This is Ryan, Milo Manheim's manager."

My eyes widened and it clicked, "You're Milo? Meg's co-star? From that Disney movie Zombies? The pale guy with the green hair that can sing?"

Milo laughed as he took a seat, "Yeah, that's me!"

His voice. I recognised his voice. It was the guy from last night that disappeared on me. "You're that guy from last night? The one who talked to me at the bar."

"It appears so, Alarie."

I look at Elise in complete utter shock. Confused at what is happening. Why would my publicist be here along with Milo and his manager?

"Look, Alarie. You're good at what you do, you get modelling jobs and you make album covers for big artists. You're good at arts. You've always been good at singing and before your mom hired me as your manager, she showed me a bit of your work..." Elise slowed her words down towards the end. I know where this is going.

"Your mom showed me your audition tapes for old TV shows, including Disney, Lifetime, Netflix."

I internally face palmed myself, I knew I should've handled hiring a manager on my own. "This was absurd. I'm not an actress and i'm not fit to play whatever role you want me to play," I huffed. Genuinely taken aback by this ambush.

"Okay, I know we should've probably talked to you about this before bringing in your soon to be co-star here. But, me and Casey know that you would say no instantly without thinking it through."

I sighed, "Why so sudden though? Why not get me new modelling jobs"

"Because your work is good but it's not enough. Models are everywhere but you're not out there enough to stand out. You don't go for events, you don't do more than you're asked. You're not one of a kind."

I felt a stab in the heart, Elise was right though. I did the bare minimum at work. I don't speak up and I don't get myself out there enough. I'm a floater in life and in work.

"What's this gig about then?" I asked caving in a little. Slightly curious about this acting job.

"It's for a series for Paramount+ called, School Spirits. If you accept the role, you'll be playing the lead character. A girl who dies and tries to solve her death while being a ghost around school and only being able to talk to her best friend."

I nodded still confused as to why Milo Manheim would be here. "But why is Milo here then?" I asked.

"He's here because we thought that since he knows Meg, and he's going to be your love interest in the show, you'd better get acquainted with him"

My jaw dropped, love interest? That's Meg's co-star and now mine and he's going to be my love interest in the show? I need the job and I know they're right. I'm not sure if i'm 100% ready to jump into the deep end and get out of my comfort zone.

"I know you're new to this and I know it may seem overwhelming but how about taking a day or two to think about it before agreeing? I mean we have time right? About a week more before we confirm the lead actress," Milo speaks up. Reassuring me with his smile.

Milo was actually attractive. I used to watch Zombies and it was a favourite of mine. Zed was definitely in the attractive list of males I had but he was breathtaking in real life. His smile lines were soft and his eyes were deep. Milo was definitely nice to look at and I think he knew that for himself.

"Yes! I think that's a great idea." Elise smiled at me and I nodded my head, "I'll get back to you about this in two days. I need to think about it yeah."

Ryan, Milo's manager speaks up suddenly, "How about while deciding, you and Milo can spend some time together. Hang around town and get to know each other and he can talk to you more about the acting world. To ease you into it and help you decide."

My mouth agape, words couldn't come out because I was actually star struck deep down. Elise perked up, "Yes! That is a great idea Ryan. We can continue this meeting in two days. In the meantime, hang out with Milo! Get to know him."

I sighed and nodded while looking at Milo. "I guess we're friends now," I said while putting my hand out. Milo smirked and firmly grabbed my hand, giving it a shake, "I guess we are."

Elise, Casey and Ryan left the room and it left me and Milo in the silence of the conference room.

I cleared my throat and smiled at him, "So, where do you wanna go first."


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