Chapter 8

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  Milo laughed as he turned his door open to his apartment. It smelt clean like freshly washed bedsheets. It was dimly lit and his TV was playing with minimal volume in the living room. I walked in and took my heels off. My feet felt relaxed after having them on for super long. They were met with the cold wood laminated floor and I smiled in Milo's direction. He put my purse down which he offered to carry even though there was practically nothing in it. 

  "Make yourself at home Lala." 

  Milo smiled at me as he walked into his kitchen that looked over to the living room. "This place is really nice," I said in awe. It really was nice. It was kept clean, it was the perfectly decorated and not overly cluttered. He was a well-kept man. I loved it. 

  "Thank you," Milo chuckled. "There's Criminal Minds on my netflix if you wanna watch?" 

  I shook my head, "We can go to bed now if you want? I've kept you up for too long."

  Milo frowned, "No you haven't. I'm supposed to make you Mac & Cheese too." 

  I blushed, I thought he had forgotten. I walked up to him as he stood leaning over the counter. "How about, you make it for lunch?" 

  "You're not hungry?" Milo furrowed his brows.

  "I'm okay. I'm feeling a little nauseous though." 

  My stomach had been spinning in circles since the club and although Milo was driving super carefull, I still felt like hurling everything from today out. Milo walked over to his cabinet and pulled out a tea bag and clicked his Kettle on. He grabbed my hand leading me to his room and pulled out sweatpants and a t-shirt. 

  "I have these you can wear," Milo smiled at me, showing the clothes he layed out on his bed for me.

  "I also have boxers if the sweatpants are too hot." 

  I smiled at Milo. I was in absolute awe with how sweet this boy is. He's done nothing but been nice to me even if i've made it difficult.

  "Are the boxers clean?" I furrowed my brows jokingly. 

  "Duh!" Milo nudged me. "I'm going to make you some tea for your stomach, you can get changed in here. There's facial wash in the bathroom, you can help yourself to that." 

  Nodding at Milo, he gave me a light smile before walking out and closing the door behind him. I grabbed the bottom of my skirt and pulled it down. I removed his hoodie and laid it on the bed carefully. I stripped the rest of my clothes off before putting on my his boxers and t-shirt. I walked into his bathroom connected to the bedroom and picked up his facial wash. 

  Scrubbing all the gunk of makeup off my face, I cringed when I saw the bruises on my wrist and the marks on my neck left from Sean. Flashbacks came and I shut my eyes tight, hoping they'd go away. I felt my stomach spinning and I rushed to the toilet. Before I knew it, I was hurling out the slushy and sour gummies I had ate. 

  I heard the door open behind me and felt a hand on my back right after. 

  "Let it out," Milo cooed. 

  He grabbed my hair in his hands before using one of them to rub circles on my back. His hand made his way to my neck before he gently grazed his fingers on the blue-black spots on my neck. "He did that?" Milo asked. 

  I nodded lightly, head still in the toilet. I pushed the strands of hair that escaped Milo's grip behind my ear and Milo grabbed my hand lightly. Caressing my wrist, he gently rubbed the bruised areas. 

  I flushed the toilet before leaning my weight on Milo. He sat on the ground holding me. His hands carefully brushing my hair back as if he was fearful of hurting me. He reached over me grabbing the toilet paper tearing a few pieces off. 

  Grabbing my chin gently, he turned my face to face him. Milo wiped the puke off my mouth and smiled lightly at me before his eyebrows furrowed. 

  "Do you wanna report him?" His voice low. He seemed as if he was trying to be cautious. 

  I shake my head, "It's going to go all over the tabloids."

  I look up at Milo as im slumped in his arms on the bathroom floor, "I'm scared, Milo."

  Milo frowns at me before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. His chin resting on my head. He rocked us back and forth and my breathing slowed down. My eyes fluttered close and before I knew it, I was falling asleep. 

  The morning came and my eyes felt swollen and my head was hurting. I turn over and realisation swept over me that I wasn't in my room. I remembered everything that happened last night and sat up slowly. The sheets next to me was untouched, does this mean Milo slept on his couch? 

  I stood up and walked out his room. A lean figure was shirtless standing in the kitchen. His hair was fluffed and his sweats hung low on his waist. The couch was covered in blankets and a squished pillow. 

  I walked over to his kitchen and leaned over the counter. I knocked the counter with my knuckles and his head turns. His concerned face turned into a smile, "Hey, morning sleepy head." 

  He walked over with a mug, "Here, its honey lemon tea. It'll help the sore throat." 

  Smiling, I nodded, "What happened after the puking?" 

  Milo chuckled, "You passed out on me on the floor so I carried you to my bed. I don't think you would've wanted me in bed with you, right?" 

  I smiled, teasing him, "Maybe? Who would know?" 

  Silence filled the room as i sipped the tea, Milo clears his throat before he opens his mouth to say something. But nothing comes out. I furrowed my brows and signed him to continue. 

  "Do you wanna talk about what happened?" Milo uttered before a knock on the door made us jump. 

  He walks over and unlocks the door. The door swings open and Meg rushes in. 

  Embracing me, Meg mutters multiple 'I'm sorry's'. I shake my head, "It's fine, Meg. You were wasted too." 

  "I had a field day with Drake. He's really sorry. I don't think he was thinking." 

  Milo's voice caught us off guard, forgetting he was in the room. "Because he wasn't thinking, she's probably scared shitless to go out now, Meg." 

  "Milo, i'm fine." 

  "No, I called her, I told her off for leaving you. Whether she was drunk or not. Drake should've rounded everyone up to leave," Anger laced on his face and his tone. "He should not have left you with some guy he barely knows himself. That's fucked." 

  Meg turns, "I know, I'm mad with Drake too. I expected Drake to be better at making decisions, Milo." 

  "Guys, can we not?" Frustration filled my voice. "I genuinely don't care anymore. It's happened and I can't turn back time. Let's not point fingers and just continue with our day. I have a meeting today too. I should get back to change." 

  I brushed my hair behind my ear and wrapped my arms around myself before going back into Milo's room and shutting the door. My back leaned against the door and I slid down. Holding my hands in my head, I sighed. It's going to get better


heyyaa 💞

i had to rewrite this chapter bc i got logged out of my account and like two of the drafted chapters got deleted. im trying to fill the gaps rn bc i lowkey forgot the content of what i wrote so bare with me please 😭

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