Chapter Three

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  "Let's go for breakfast?" Milo smiled. I nodded and walked into the elevator. While I pressed the button to close the door, Milo stuttered, "I- Uh- So you and Meg?"

  I furrowed my brows at how nervous he seemed. "Yeah, we're best friends."

"Why has she never brought you onto set? She's talked about you a lot, but i only saw you at the premier," He questioned. I lightly smiled at him before sighing, "Well, we agreed to keep work and life private for a really long time. Somehow though, she managed to drag me out the house yesterday."

"I didn't see you get in the car with her?" He questioned. Again.

"Well, I left early."

The doors to the elevator opened and I walked out. The echoes of my heels surrounded the office lobby. Walking out the building we turned right heading towards the centre of the city. We spent about 5 minutes walking in silence while i figured out what to say. Milo interrupted my thoughts.

"I know you're kind of quiet, as Meg described. But could you maybe make it a little easier for us to get to know each other?"

I nodded still not knowing what to say. I put my hand in front of him to stop him and I pulled out my phone looking at the time. My phone read 6:15 A.M..

"Let's take a detour and take my car back to my apartment."

Milos face went pale, "I said let's get to know each other but not in that way."

I rolled my eyes taking his arm and pulling him to hurry back to my car. "We aren't doing any of what you're thinking of. I was thinking we could make some pasta!"

I turned my head to see Milo smiling at me. "Make pasta? Like from scratch?"

I nodded. We weren't far from my car at all about 5 minutes away.

Milo hurried his pace with mine and we reached my car. Unlocking my car I got in the drivers seat and turned the car on. The radio started playing The Smiths. Milo smiled while he buckled his seatbelt.

"You like The Smiths?"

"I love The Smiths." I smiled humming the songs as I pulled out of the parking space. The drive was silent but it was the comfortable silence. I didn't bother racking my brain of what to say because it seemed like he didn't mind the silence.

"This is us," I pointed to the small yellow building.

I parked outside my building and got out. Milo stood by the pavement waiting for me. I pulled my keys out as I walked to the front door, "Meg isn't home. She left for her audition for some new movie."

He hummed. "How'd you know I was about to ask about Meg?"

I chuckled, "I can kinda get the vibe because i'm sure she told you we live together."

I set my purse on the table and kicked my heels off. Milo took his coat off and hung it on one of my high chairs. I pulled out the ingredients and the pots needed for the pasta.

"Pesto, red or creamy?" I asked Milo. He turned around after a second of looking at my apartment, "I think let's go for red." I smiled and tossed the bag of tomatoes on the counter.

"Your house is really nice." I got up from under my cabinet and peeked over to see Milo staring at me.

"Thank you. Meg and I took about a year to finish decorating because of how busy we both were. We officially just finished at the start of this year."

"What is it with you and socialising?" Milo perked up curious.

I shrugged, passing him the tomatoes to cut, "To be very honest, I don't know? I think maybe after a few toxic tabloids because of my ex, I settled to not talking to many people."

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