tired ( Hyunlix)

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"LEE FELIX! STOP!" Says Hyunjin in an angry mood while trying to tackle Felix off of him

( SO HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED:  Felix has always been the Clingy Bf and Hyunin doesn't like skinship so much so he feels kind of uncomfortable if someone touches him a lot, but he can't say anything because he knows it would break Felix's feelings,  in this case, Hyunjin got off work and was very tired and in a bad mood so he didn't want anyone to bother him. :3 )

" what the fuck? he usually cuddles me back." thought Felix

"Hyun, what's wrong?" Says Felix worried

" Can you please leave me alone, go play your games or whatever," Says Hyunjin

" I haven't seen you all day what do you mean "Go play your games" please Hyun-" Says Felix but is cut off By Hyunjins Screaming

" FELIX I SAID GO! IM NOT IN THE MOOD, DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT?" Says Hyunjin Clearly pissed off 

Felix quickly flinched at his screaming and slowly got up and left, he tried so hard not to cry in front of Hyunjin, he went to his living room and sat down on the couch on his phone and felt hungry all of a sudden. He went on messages and texted Hyunjin.


 My Hyun 💞:

                                         Text Messege: Sat. Mar 9 2024, 7:00

Hey Hyun. I'm going out for a bit. see you later.

Delivered now 


He closed his phone and headed to the store. There he picked a few drinks and snacks and some of Hyunjins Favorite snacks too. he still felt sad that he yelled at him like that, he never yelled like that. he paid and went home.

( Home)

" I'm home," Says Felix but there is no reply, just quietness 

Felix placed the bags on the table and Headed to their shared Bedroom, he knocked on the door and called for Hyunjin.

"Hyun?" Says Felix and still there was no reply and the door was locked. "HYUNJIN?" he called again. Still no reply. He decided to leave him alone and thought he was sleeping so he went back to the living room and started opening the stuff he bought. he hated eating alone but there was nothing he could do about it. he started eating and stared at the empty chair where Hyunjin would usually sit, tears began to form and then he heard a door open. it was Hyunjin, his eyes were red and puffy from crying and his eyes were glossy. Felix didn't make eye contact with him because he was scared that he would yell at him again, but all Hyunjin did was Sit on the chair and Stare at Felix.

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