❤: sleepy sunshine ( Hyunlix)

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❤= Fluff

Random photo of Felix I love~

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Random photo of Felix I love~

Music for this chapter: Give Me Your Forever By Zach Tabuldo Or Stars and Raindrops By Seungmin ~3

(Main Plot: Hyunjin and Felix are roommates,  Felix has insomnia and can't sleep meanwhile Hyunjin sleeps like a breeze flowing through the wind with no problem, One day Felix walks into Hyun Jin's room and asks to sleep with him so can sleep easier something connect them like 2 stars and they have an interesting memory.  enjoy loves 💕)

" I can't sleep, can I sleep with you tonight?" Says Felix while holding his Changbin plushy and looking like a boy who lost his mother in the store but was standing in the doorway of Hyunjin's room, obviously Hyunjin agreed and let him sleep on his bed with him.

"yeah come here," says Hyunjin

Felix runs over to Hyunjin and grabs his arms puts his head on his chest and holds onto them "Please don't leave" Says Felix

"why?" Says Hyunjin

"I really get worried when people leave or ignore me, I just want to reassure you would stay." Says Felix while hugging him tightly 

"Yea... I mean I don't want to seem selfish, but all my friends have left me because I was too affectionate, so I just wanna know that you won't leave." Says Felix Feeling a little sad 

(I wanted to keep this little guy safe. he seems like a sweet and innocent boy why would people leave him?  Says Hyunjin in his mind)  " okay I'll stay with you," Says Hyunjin

Felix's face lights up as a big smile covers his face, and then he wraps his arms around Him "Thank you. "

"no problem," Hyunjin says And smiles

Felix buries his head into his chest and yawns "I'm gonna take a nap... Is it ok for me to fall asleep right here? " Says Felix while slowly Drifting to sleep.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Says Hyunjin while looking down at him and smiling

Felix's eyes fall heavier and heavier as his breath slows and he begins to drift off to sleep

"he really seems so sweet i just wanna pet his fluffy blonde hair, it looks too soft and amazing.......god he's kinda cute "Thought Hyunjin.

Felix's soft breath turns into a quiet snoring as his arms relax around him but his head still rests in his chest. It seems like he's really exhausted.

" I look down and smile at the sleepy boy, he's adorable sleeping and he looks so precious, who would avoid this boy........his freckles are the most amazing feature on him. gosh, I'm getting so flustered by him oh my gosh" Thought Hyunjin, and it was true, he was slowly falling for him but he didn't realize it until Felix did a couple of moves to make him realize his affection for him. 

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