You just want attention? (Hyunlix)

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(Main Story: Felix wants attention from Hyunjin but he's too "busy" playing his games with his friends online and he has headphones on but one ear is open to hearing him,

Hyunjin ignored him, only occasionally glancing in his direction and quickly replying to his words. He had headphones on one ear, but it's not like he was listening closely; sometimes, he would just give answers like "okay, no, yes, etc" but he was more focused on the game he was playing with his friends online.

This time Felix had Enough of his act of ignoring him so Felix went to his closet and picked out some short skirts and a netted t-shirt that was really showy but he just wanted to tease him.

As Felix came out of the room in the clothes, He tried many ways to get his attention until he did one last thing he would die for, going out in those types of clothes, Hyunjin glanced at him and his eyes trailed at Felix from head to toe but he kept trying to focus on the game but he made it hard for him. )

(I love my boys <3)

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(I love my boys <3)

"Felix what are you doing and wearing?" Says Hyunjin

"Clothes. I'm going out." Says Felix

Hyunjin froze for a moment, processing what he just heard in his mind until he took off his headphones and faced Him while furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do you mean 'you're going out'? in this type of clothing?"

Hyunjin pointed at the clothing, slightly biting his inner cheek as a pink tint appeared on his cheeks.

"Yes." Says Felix

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, his face turning more flushed.

"You must be crazy if you think I'll ever let you out of the door with those clothes. Did you forget you're mine?!?"

Hyunjin stated as he stood up, his words filled with possessiveness and jealousy. He walked towards Felix, looking down at him with a frown.

"Why whats the problem? its sooo hot outside." Says Felix

Hyunjin grabbed ahold of Felix's waist and pulled him close, his grip tight.

"It. Doesn't. Matter. You look too perfect in those clothes. Do you know how many people will be looking at you and drooling over you? You will be mine and mine only."

Hyunjin growled lowly, his possessiveness taking over completely as he stared down at Felix with a dark glare of jealousy.

"I know that but you dont want me to be sweating all day do you?" Says Felix

Hyunjin scoffed, slightly gripping Felix tighter.

"You're acting like you couldn't choose a 'normal' outfit to wear? You want to go out to make everyone stare and drool at you? Hm?"

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