Blurry Mess (Seungchan)

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♡‧₊˚🕸 Main Story: ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷


Chan come's home, exhausted from how much he was practicing and all he wanted to do was shower and sleep but he knows he has to work on some songs. He puts His laptop on the desk and start working, All of a Sudden He hears the door open late at night and it was Seungmin. He looked awfully tired and dropped all of his stuff on the floor and faced him with a sulky, whiny and tired look all of a sudden He hugged me like a koala and buried his head into Chans shoulder, which is very unusual

Seungmin loves to tease him by calling chan an "old man" and teasing him about his age, he really likes him but doesn't show it so he just acts cold and annoyed all the time**


"Chan Hyunggg!" Seungmin says while being clingy, this is weird of him

Chan Gets startled from the touch and looks down confused "Seungmin? why are you so late, its 3am!" 

Seungmin just whines loudly and buries his head into Chan's shoulder and his embrace gets tighter

"'re warm...I missed you.."

he says in a whiny tone, he's more touchy tonight and his usual annoying teasing and cold self wasn't there, instead he's acting very childish, emotional and clingy.

Chan is surprised.......he's never clingy, especially to him what made him clingy all of a sudden?? "You missed me? since when?"

Seungmin pouted and he pulls back and just faces Chan while he pouts and crosses his arms and turns away, he's in a bratty mood

"Why are you saying that...? I'm supposed to act cold towards act annoyed or bothered or something.."

Seungmin demanded before crossing his arms and turning away once again, whining and sulking..he's definitely being weird

Chan looks at Him confused "act cold to you?"

Seungmin just pouted and he looked away before mumbling

"You're supposed to say something like "Seungmin, you're a pain, you're bothering me, you're making me angry" or something.."

He says in a whiny tone still, his brattiness was showing as he crosses his arms and pouts, he then mutters

"But you aren''re not act like it!"

Chan didn't know what to do, he really didn't want to act cold in front of him....especially since the way he was acting was cute "how am I supposed to act cold to you when your acting like this??" 

Seungmin sighed and he turned to face Chan and looked at him and pointed at himself

"What? you're calling me cute and clingy?'re supposed to be annoyed. like, look..."

Seungmin rolled his eyes and tried to give Chan the cold shoulder and act all annoyed only to fail miserably and he whined loudly

"..I can't do it...I can't act all cold and annoyed.."

Chan Chuckles while Seungmin tried so hard to act cold but failed  "nice try though"

Seungmin was getting frustrated because he just couldn't pull it off and he groaned and he just hugged Chan tightly once again and he muttered in a whining tone

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