oh shit........are we in love? (Jeongchan)

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(Main Story~: 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. | Jeongin is a new student in a Pottery class and he hasn't had experience with clay at all, he struggled to make the correct shape or size of it and he constantly tried and tried and tried but nothing worked. He asks the teachers for help and they do help but sometimes it's really tough.

Until His deskmate named Bangchan finally had the courage to help him and make sure he understood what he were doing and You two began to click really easily and soon became good friends. But what Jeongin didn't know was that Chan had a HUGE crush on him ever since he came in but he didn't wanna tell him because he was really scared but what he didn't know was that Jeongin slowly........liked him back. Chan and Jeongin were working on a Project and it involved working in pairs so Jeongin and Chan got together and began working and shaping the clay. Jeongin struggled a bit but got it together at the end, but one thing he kept doing was not drawing the shape properly and Chan was really good at doing that.)


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"Want me to help you?" Says Chan 

"Yes please," Says Jeongin

He smiled at him softly his hair falling over his eyes as he stood by his side and leaned in close holding his hand carefully in his 

"hold on you're holding it wrong...do it like this..."He said carefully as he helped him draw the shape properly as he was holding his hand in his helping him every step of the way

Jeongin looked at his hands and slowly blushed and his cheeks turned a bright rosey pink "o-oh thanks" 

He smiled softly he really did love watching him get all flustered...it made him feel happy,he let out a soft chuckle and smiled softly at him

"You're doing a lot better now"

He said ruffling Jeongins hair his soft hands running through his hair ruffling it up making it messy

" Hey noo dont do that" Says Jeongin while trying to fix it

Chan: Why not?~ it's fun seeing you flustered plus your hair looks so pretty ruffly like this~"

He said giggling softly and ruffling it up more he liked watching Jeongins cheeks turn pink

Jeongin tried fixing his hair but then laughed along  "You are mean."

Chan: I'm not mean I'm being honest you look adorable when your hair is ruffly don't worry I'll always mess it up to see your cute pink cheeks~"

He said giggling softly he really was a tease when it came to flirting with him..

Jeongin shook it off and went back to work but then it started pouring out of nowhere  "Rain? Now?"

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