Sickness( minsung )

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✰✩ Music for this chapter: Eyes Don't Lie by Isabel LaRosa ( cause that's what I'm listening to :3 )


( This story is about how Jisung was sick for a while but decided not to tell Minho not to make him worry but Minho Made him clean the house all the time while he watched TV and went to clubs and work and be lazy and did not give any free time for...

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( This story is about how Jisung was sick for a while but decided not to tell Minho not to make him worry but Minho Made him clean the house all the time while he watched TV and went to clubs and work and be lazy and did not give any free time for Han.)


"Y-y-yes sir." Says Han who was mentally and physically exhausted, all he wanted was to be in bed or in someone's arms, he couldn't do that cause his nagging boyfriend hated seeing him happy, Han had been sick for days, constantly throwing up, having a high temperature, etc but he hid all those things from Minho because he was afraid that he would yell at him and make him work 10x of what he was already working with and he didn't want that.

" make me a coffee asap, I'm going out in 2 minutes," Says Minho 

Han Got a cup and made him a coffee but spilled it on him  which made him Furious

" HAN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! GOSH, NOW I HAVE TO GO CHANGE AGAIN!" Says Minho then raises his arm which made Han Flinch but he didn't care because he pissed him off already. 

" y'know what fuck this coffee it probably tastes like shit anyways, like you," Says Minho then went to his room to go change then headed out.

Once he left Han Cried and Cried heavily, so he decided to call his only best friend Hyunjin.

"Hello?" Says Hyunjin 

"H-h-h-Hyun-jin can you please come to pick me up," Says Han unable to speak 

" w-what? Are you okay sung? y'know what I'm coming dw." Says Hyunjin

Han lets out a few cries then within 2 minutes Hyunjin comes in and tells him to go into the car before Minho comes back, luckily They arrive at Hyunjin and Felix's House where he rushes to the bathroom to vomit when they see this they both laid him down on a bed and let him rest.

Not long after that Minho comes back to an empty house. he quickly looked around calling for his boyfriend's name but there was no response. " what the fuck. where is he?" Thought Minho. He tried calling His phone but his calls did not go through because his phone was off so there was only one person to call his best friend Hyunjin.

"Hello?" Said Hyunjin

"Hey, Hyunjin right? do you know where is Han?" Says Minho

"Oh um......he's here," Says Hyunjin

"What? What is he doing there? what happened?" Says Minho

" Bitch he was sick and very weak so he asked me to pick him up." Says Hyunjin

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