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"You knew all this time" Evelyn turned around to face Harry but quickly averted her gaze down, not brave enough to face him just yet. Harry looked down at the small jar in his hand, "Were you planning to tell me anytime soon?" she didn't answer.

She didn't bother looking up either. "Look at me!" He yelled. Evelyn flinched at the sudden loudness of his voice, she wiped her eyes before slowly looking up to him. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair more messed up than ever. With a small crack in the corner of his round glasses, he felt bad for a second.

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me..." he choked up licking his lips.
I'm so sorry
"I-m so so-rry" she tried speaking, her tears getting her into a chokehold.

"Why did you lie?" he walked down the stairs. He stood next to her a couple of feet apart. Tears kept streaming down her cheeks like a waterfall. "You know I can't live without you..." he bit his lip holding himself from breaking down in front of her.

"I need you.."

Evelyn lifted her gaze, " I wanted to-tell y-ou"
"Yet you didn't. Instead, you led me on, you let me fall into your arms. You let me fall in love with you. We were meant to be together forever, to grow old. But not this.." he gritted his teeth. He curled his hand, his knuckles turning white.

"Harry." She took a step closer wanting to touch him once again to be able to feel his body. To hear his breathing once again. He backed up shaking his head, "Don't" A tear fell onto his shoe.

"I love you. I -love you so much. Why are you doing this? Why didn't you tell me since the beginning? We could've figured something out!" He began rambling.

Evelyn shook her head, and behind them appeared two figures it was Ron and Hermione, the couple didn't seem to notice them.
"Look at me" she ordered him.
"Harry. L-ook at me." She took a step closer to him, and with both hands, she raised his head leaning their foreheads on one another.

She closed her eyes, she took a deep breath taking in his scent while doing so calming him down a bit. "It has to be done" she whispered.
There's always been a reason as to why I acted weirdly, why I felt sick. Why I had those nightmares. Why I couldn't sleep those long nights?

"How long have you known?" He asked.
"Long. Long time" she responded.
He held his eyes tightly shut.
To save the Wizarding world from you know who, you need to let me go.

"No! No! No! No, it can't be! I don't care. There must be another way to destroy him without you dying with it!" He couldn't lie about being angry with her anymore, he pulled her closer by her warm waist.
He knew why she did it. He knew she didn't have a choice and there was no denying that she would rather sacrifice herself than lose a hundred more.

"I can't lose you. Not you too. Please..." he sobbed onto her the crook of her neck. Hermione held onto Ron, shielding her eyes from what she was seeing. Hermione knew for some time, that she had never really put the pieces together but she always had a clue.

She was afraid of the truth and so she passed it aside but when she saw her sister look ill the last couple of days, she knew right then and there it was all true.

The girl must die.

"It hurts, Harry. So m-much" she whispered into his ear while she slightly stroked his hair. Not wanting to part away, he slightly shook his head understanding. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help you." Evelyn's gaze was finally met with Ron's. He held a melancholy expression, he stroked his girlfriend's back.

"You won't be al-lone" he pulled her even closer, with no space between them whatsoever. "It's you who I w-want. Not them"
"I know." Was all she could say.
Harry pulled back slowly, "What about the other? What are they going to think? They'll go ballistic," he said.

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