Chapter 51

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I roll my eyes annoyed hearing dad start yelling in Russian "I'm not translating all that shit in my head, the facial expressions are enough to help me understand what's going on" i think sitting cross legged. I watch everything "why ain't this fun, this was always fun to me, fuck it a lot of shit has happened today, mother, Beth, Victor, if dad and mother do end up getting a divorce I'm probably going to be blamed for the shit like always, just like with Sara, my god is Lev and my friends the only good things in my life, wonder how Josh is doing since he's got a hang of everything, should probably hunt him down next time I'm there, i still wonder what that thing was that dad and mother was going to tell me and Victor" i think. An hour passes and i was laying in bed sleeping off and on and hear the door open "feeling ok v" Lev says getting in bed behind me under the covers "yeah, just tired for some reason" i say back as he gets up against my back. He rests his hand on my stomach "maybe are baby is making you tired, she's telling you it's time to relax and let me take care of you two" Lev says softly i laugh quietly "speaking of are baby, guess what i ordered" i say back "what" Lev says "a little machine that will let us hear her heartbeat whenever we want" i say back smiling rolling over opening my eyes "aw" Lev says as a smile grows on his face. He kisses me before pulling away "your so beautiful" Lev says moving my hair out of my face "you wish" i say back closing my eyes "just because other idiots find you not beautiful, doesn't mean i don't find you so beautiful i worship you" Lev says we laugh quietly. We hear a loud crashing sound making us quickly sit up "what the fuck" i say "hopefully just an animal knocked something down" Lev says "everything is animal proofed" i say back "fuck" Lev says and we get up. We quickly go downstairs to hear the sound of dad and mother yelling back and forth then the sound of glass braking "shit!" i say seeing the dogs in the room. I whistle getting all the animals attention and they run to me "come on outside everyone" Lev says opening the front door allowing everyone to run outside "stay here, don't get involved unless i tell you to, ok" i say "got it" Lev says. We hear another crashing sound and i quickly go down the hall to see dad having to doge shit mother threw at him. She grabs a knife out of the knife block and goes to throw it at him so i quickly grab her and her wrist. She gets my hand off whipping around swinging the knife making it stab into my chest before pulling it out. I hold my hand over the wound that started to bleed heavily as Lev rushes into the room freezing at the sight. A blank expression goes on her face as she realizes what she did dropping the knife "Victoria!" dad yells as i black out.
Dad's pov
I grab her starting to panic as her hoodie starts to turn red from the blood and Lev grabs a towel out of the cupboard. He holds it to her chest "Lev call 911" i say trying to stay half ass calm blocking out Irina apologizing "got it" Lev says quickly taking his phone out his pocket. I hold the towel to her chest keeping pressure on it and feel Irina's hand touch my arm. I quickly turn around as my panic turns to rage "don't you ever fucking touch me again" i say in a serious tone "Vincenzo I'm sorry, i-i didn't think i ju-" Irina says crying before i cut her off "i lose my daughter because of you i will kill you my fucking self!" i yell back making her jump a bit "I've fought to protect her all her life, just for someone who i trusted to stab her, I'm not losing my only daughter because you say you didn't think before putting a knife into her chest!" i yell.
                                   End of pov

                                    Lev's pov
After a few minutes i follow paramedics outside holding Victoria tight in my arms then put her on the table thing before they put her in the ambulance. The one paramedic allows me in the ambulance and they cut her shirt which i took her hoodie off knowing she would kill somebody if it got damaged. I sit in the corner watching them start to hook stuff up to her fighting tears falling down my face "please be carful, she's pregnant" i say and both of the woman look at me "she's pregnant" the one says with a blank expression "14 weeks" i say back and the other grabs more stuff. After a few minutes we made it to the hospital and they waste no time getting her out and into the hospital as i slowly follow inside knowing i wouldn't be allowed back. Hours pass and i was sitting in the waiting room dissociating staring off while Vincenzo was sitting beside me. The sound of him bouncing his leg and tapping his phone to check the time which felt like it was every second was all i could hear "why the fuck did i listen when she told me to not go in the room with her, if i didn't fucking listen i could have grabbed her before Irina stabbed her, she dies and I'm ending this country, i know where the paper to bomb this entire place is, i love her to much to lose her" i think. A nurse walks up to us with a clipboard in her hands and we quickly look at her "Mr Vinogadov and Mr Morozov right" she says "yes" me and Vincenzo say back "i have good and bad news, good news Victoria is stable and the baby is ok, her heart was hit in the attack, but it only went about a little over half an inch in, so the doctors were able to get it fixed before she lost to much blood, but bad news, the knife also hit the side of her left lung that doctors are still trying to keep stable, and she had to be put in a medically induced coma because we can't find anyone with her blood type, she's the only person we've seen with that type of blood" she says "i have the same blood as her, AB can only have AB blood, I'm the only other person medically known with it" i say back trying not to let my heart race "how soon can she get a blood transfusion" Vincenzo says "we can take him back now and get the blood we need, even after we give her the transfusion she will still have to be in a coma for a bit" she says "i don't care i just want her alive" Vincenzo says "alright, Mr Morozov follow me" she says and i follow her. After 20 minutes i sit back in the waiting room "you alright your very white" Vincenzo says "Jesus Christ your daughter lost a lot of blood, they probably took half of mine" i say back still trying to get back to reality "hey i could of seen if she could of had mine" Vincenzo says "your O negative that can only go to A, B, O, and AB both negative and positive, with her being only AB she can only have the same kind, if you would have tried and they put it into her she would have died" i say back and he gives me a disturbed look.
                                   End of pov
My eyes start to slowly and weakly open as my vision comes back just to see doctors and nurses standing over me "she's awake!" one says looking behind him. It sinks in where i was and try to quickly sit up seeing all kinds of shit hooked up to me. All the beeping sounds with bright lights filling the room and a mask strapped to my face "hey no it's ok, we're helping you!" a nurse says while i get held down. I try to get their hands off me as panic sets in "go get her family that's in the waiting room to see if they can calm her down!" another doctor yells as a nurse runs out of the room. A few seconds pass of me still trying to get free the door swings open "Victoria calm down, it's alright!" dad says quickly holding my head making me look at him "v ignore your surroundings, everything's ok" Lev says resting his hand on mine. I slowly calm down since breathing hurt like hell "there we go" Lev says and dad lets go. Everyone else leave's the room then dad takes the mask off my face "what the fuck" i say starting to cry not knowing what all happened "don't cry my love, don't get yourself worked up" Lev says calmly and i struggle to breathe "you were stabbed, you've been in a coma for almost a week, but your ok just have to stay here a bit longer" dad says trying to get me calm "is Vex ok!" i say quickly looking at Lev "their ok, they were moving everyday they did an ultrasound on you, their safe and healthy as can be" Lev says holding my hand which calmed my mind at least "you'll just be struggling to breath for a bit, since your lung was also hit by the knife, which Irina is out of the house and ain't coming back, the divorce is in the process of being finalized and Victor is moving out since he thinks i overreacted with the fight between me and him" dad says "but good news, you have half of my blood in your body" Lev says trying not to smile "gross" i say back laughing a bit but quickly stop from the sharp pain in my chest "don't try to laugh v, don't hurt yourself more" Lev says "first i have your kid growing in my stomach, now half of your blood in my bloodstream" i say back "yep, i was the only match for you" Lev says smiling booping my nose i smile rolling my eyes "and guess what" Lev says "what" i say back "your thing for Vex came while you were in a coma, and you'll be 15 weeks tomorrow" Lev says moving my hair out of my face "hells my fucking hoodie" i say remembering i didn't have it on "washed at home and in your room safe, Lev took it off you before paramedics got to the house" dad says. His phone rings "shit have to take this Lev stay with her" dad says before answering it leaving the room. He sits on the bed and kisses my forehead which made me feel better "how you doing baby" i say "I'm alright, how you doing" Lev says "eh, hurt, can't breath much, my heart feels like it's beating slow" i say back "it's ok, I'll be with you every second keeping you safe" Lev says "fuck are date!" i say back "shh, v we have any day of are lives to go on a date, when your better we'll go on one, i promise" Lev says "i still feel like shit, because we had been looking forward to that night all day" i say back "v stop thinking, just relax and rest, more you rest sooner you can go home" Lev says "i don't want to go home" i say back fighting tears swelling in my eyes. He gets a soft mixed with worry look on his face "Irina won't be there, no one will be there to hurt you, Igor will be staying at your house to help your dad with you, I'll be with you there so i can keep an eye on you at night, no one is allowed in the house, i won't let anyone hurt you, i shouldn't have listened when you said don't go with you, I'm never letting you be alone again" Lev says cupping my face making me look at him.

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