Chapter 66

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"At least once a week something in your name gets sent here" dad says "and now I'm going to fight the people at the post office, and your going dress shopping with me later" i say back "can't you take your mother" dad says "don't have a mother so don't know what the hell your talking about" i say back and he gives me an unimpressed look "i heard that asshole!" Irina says who was sitting on the couch "good!" i say back "forget she still adopted you, meaning she's your mother" dad says "her sister fucking stabbed me, I'm not getting over that shit for the rest of my life!" i say back "hey you lived" dad says "only because Lev gave me his blood, thank the fucking universe i know someone with the same blood type as me!" i say back "god damn it" dad says under his breath realizing i was right "plus, you don't do this your not giving me away, Igor will" i say crossing my arms and he quickly looks at me "yeah" i say "when's your appointment" dad says "in an hour" i say back. An hour passes and we make it to the place which Mishka wasn't able to get out of doing work with her mom to come. Making it just be me and dad "now what exactly are you looking for" dad says as we head up to the building "something black and that can hide my bump, I'm just trying on stuff to get ideas really on what to do if i end up customizing my own dress" i say back and we go inside. We go up to the desk where a woman was "appointment for Victoria Vinogadov" i say and she looks thru the computer "alright, dress trying" Amy says "yes" i say back "and this" Amy says looking at dad "father" dad says "ohh it's rare to see a father coming with his daughter to this type stuff, it's usually always mothers" Amy says as we follow behind her into a big room with many dresses. I look around at all the ones on the wall "honestly, just go with the getting one custom made, literally all these are not going to do what you want them to do" dad whispers "still just going to try some on just to be safe, but Jesus Christ why is there so much fucking white" i whisper back "it's a common wedding color" dad whispers "Christ" i whisper back. After a few minutes i step on the platform in front of mirrors with a tight black dress on which i definitely was not a fan of. But Amy had me try it on "fuck" i think trying not to cross my arms in front of my stomach to hide my bump since it showed like a mother fucker in this. I look behind me in the mirror to look at dad which he shakes his head no knowing i hated it. Amy comes back up to me "don't be afraid to show your body to your soon to be husband, your wedding is all about you" Amy says moving my arms off my body "uh, do you have any, not tight" i say back trying not to sound awkward "well let me check" Amy says. A few more minutes pass and i step back on the platform which this dress what just as tight as the last "my fucking god" i think and dad comes up beside me "i can tell your questioning scratching your skin off" dad whispers "how fucking hard is it to listen when i say not a tight ass fuck dress" i whisper back "just ask to get a custom one done" dad whispers "I'm scared to do it thru this place, this wedding is in like a week and a half, i don't have time for them to be fucking it up" i whisper back "then get changed and tell her your going to think about it" dad whispers "only time I'm taking your advice" i whisper back as she comes back. After a few minutes we leave "Jesus fucking Christ!" i say as we head to the car "that place definitely was different from other wedding dress places" dad says "i only went with that one because it had all good reviews online, but apparently everyone who comes here ain't pregnant" i say back "just tonight go online and find a place online that you can make your own dress, probably the best thing to do right now" dad says as we get in the car. An hour passes and i was at the house and finished doing my dress order and hide everything before Lev could see. He sits on the couch and hands me a fruit lemonade "made you cherry" Lev says and i take a sip swallowing it "Jesus Christ my mouth just started to water" i say back laughing a bit he laughs "your so amazing" Lev says smiling before kissing me. An hour passes and i get in bed under the covers "excited for your contest tomorrow my v" Lev says getting in bed laying down "very" i say back before taking a hit from my weed pen. I blow out the smoke tossing it on the counter "now deep sleep" i say laying down getting comfortable he laughs "good night my love" Lev says "night night" i say back closing my eyes. After a few minutes i fall asleep to him softly scratching my back since he was staying up later to watch a show he's been watching. I wake up opening my eyes seeing Lev come out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist "good morning there" Lev says smiling "morning" i say back getting comfortable again. He gets on top of me kissing my forehead "wanna have some morning fun" Lev says burying his face into the side of my neck "it's like you know my weakness" i say back laughing a bit he laughs quietly. After a few minutes he enters me which he had it so we were both under the covers. He starts to thrust kissing my neck as i hold onto his waist relaxing my body "your so good my v" Lev says before kissing my neck. I tangle my fingers in his hair keeping his face in the side of my neck knowing he would leave kisses and marks which was exactly what he did. I moan quietly as he finds my g spot which he knew by how my moans sounded i liked what he was doing. He presses his body against mine getting a better angle on me which i fucking loved since i could hold him to me more. He picks up his pace moaning quietly in my ear going faster and slightly harder. I feel myself starting to get close but he stops making me whine quietly and open my eyes since they had closed. I freeze seeing Gustav was in the doorway "what the fuck!" Lev says looking at him and i felt my body wanting to start panicking "the fuck are you doing Lev!" Gustav yells and Lev gets up wrapping the towel back around his waist while helping me cover myself with the blankets "get out!" Lev says going up to him "not till you explain yourself!" Gustav yells "yell in my fucking house again i swear to god" Lev says grabbing his gun off the dresser. He gets Gustav out of the room closing the door behind him and i hear yelling slowly fade "what in the living fuck" i think trying to stop panicking. I try to get my breathing steady since my mind kept wanting to keep me in a panic attack. Since this shit was causing a reaction that would only happen when David would do his shit to me. After a few minutes Lev comes back locking the door behind him putting his gun back on the dresser "it's alright, he's gone your safe" Lev says getting back on the bed and on top of me. He kisses the side of my head "do you want to continue or be done" Lev says softly "want to continue, just i lost my boner from fear" i say back "i can easily get you turned back on, I've done it once i can do it again" Lev says before kissing my neck. His hand trails my body and i moan quick as he bites the spot he kissed "there we go" Lev says before kissing me. He pulls away "I'm going to make sure you feel good repeatedly, since i didn't get to give you that orgasm you were so close to getting" Lev says in between leaving kissing all over my body. After a few minutes i felt myself starting to get close "fuck baby I'm going to cum ah!" i moan holding onto him tighter "go for it angel, i need you to feel good" Lev says slightly moaning. I throw my head back as i reach my high and release making my back arch "fuck there we go, squeeze my dick, so good v, so fucking good" Lev says catching his breath as i start to calm down. I relax my body and he kisses my cheek "my god every second with you is amazing" Lev says resting his forehead against mine "tell me about it" i say back catching my breath we laugh before he kisses me and i cup his face. He pulls away and grabs the wash cloth we keep in the bedside table and wipes off my stomach "oh come on!" i say feeling Vex kick he laughs getting me cleaned up "think i woke her up" Lev says laughing a bit "pain in the ass!" i say poking my stomach as he tosses the cloth with his towel "few minute cuddle session" Lev says laying down pulling me close to him. He wraps his arm around me resting his other hand on my stomach to keep Vex entertained which was doing exactly that as she kicks his hand. He kisses the top of my head "i love this baby" Lev says "good thing she's are" i say back we laugh quietly "i really hope she comes early and is born on the 13th so all of us will be born on the same date and a month after each other" Lev says drawing circles with his finger which guessed drove Vex nuts. Since she kept doing little kicks trying to hit him "and it'll go in age order, her the youngest, me the middle, then you the oldest" i say back "did not think of that, wait, v that's backwards" Lev says i laugh realizing he laughs "and holy shit this drives her crazy" Lev says "ya think, it feels like a car wash in my stomach right now" i say back laughing he brakes up laughing. An hour passes and i was home and finish getting dressed for the contest which i went with a black sundress type dress. I put my boots on going up to the dresser "now which gun to use" i think looking over all 3 guns. The door opens and dad comes in "hell you doing" dad says "trying to decide which gun to use for this thing" i say back "should probably use the one you made" dad says "i made 3 for this" i say back "seriously" dad says "yeah" i say back picking up one "also the hell did the message you sent me a bit ago mean" dad says "shit forgot about that, what's Gustav's relationship status right now since it goes on everyone's files" i say back "believe he's with some new woman, why do you want to know" dad says "long story short, Gustav somehow got in me and Lev's house this morning even when there's 3 different locks on the front door, because he decided to fucking stand in the bedroom doorway and watch me and Lev have sex for who knows how long till we noticed, so Lev is going to catch him having sex with his girlfriend and watch them to see how they like it" i say back.

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