Chapter 46

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He looks out into the yard "what you thinking about baby" i say "just, stuff" Lev says "lier, i know there's more then just, stuff, going on in that brain" i say back "just thinking about Vex running around the yard" Lev says "you haven't talked about Vex a lot today" i say back "since the argument i try not to mention her a lot" Lev says "Lev fuck what i said, this is are baby and I'm having it, the only reason i had thought's about aborting Vex, is because i need like 2 weeks to think something over till i make my final decision, plus your always proud to talk about getting a kid" i say back "still, you have a lot of pressure on you with your family and shit" Lev says "not so much now, since i told my dad about Victor's son, which since Alina ain't pregnant now Victor is in the babies life, i think, meaning Vex ain't the first grandchild so a lot of pressure ain't on me anymore" i say back "but think about it, Vex will still be the first granddaughter to your parents, and the first grate granddaughter to your grandparents Lev says "yeah got a point" i say back "see" Lev says and i take another sip from my drink "I'm still just terrified that i won't be able to get my uterus removed after Vex, meaning I'll be worried sick about getting pregnant again" i say back "just what part has you worried" Lev says "the whole knowing i can only handle one kid, and my luck i would fall pregnant again if i can't get the surgery, which me already being scared of being like Sara i feel i wouldn't be able to love a second child like the first, ending up like she was with me" i say back "don't think about Sara, i know you won't turn out like her, but don't worry if they try to say you can't get the surgery I'll get involved" Lev says "you wouldn't be able to do much if I'm denied" i say back "v i have a gun, someone with a gun can do anything" Lev says i laugh quietly "not wrong" i say back we laugh "oh shit, how big is Vex, i forgot to ask yesterday, Jesus i forget a lot" Lev says "a jalapeño" i say back smiling "aw, no wonder she's been very active today, she's trying to show she's going to be spicy" Lev says smiling "the hell does that mean" i say back laughing he laughs "like she'll be sassy, and bossy" Lev says laughing a bit "ok, Jesus Christ you say some weird ass shit" i say back "screw you" Lev says we laugh. A few minutes pass "uh, i want you tell and kinda ask you something" i say "yes v" Lev says "I've been talking about it with Igor since he knows about everything with it, but i want to join my families religion" i say back "ok, it's your life v you can do whatever you want" Lev says "still just wanting to ask" i say back putting my hands up in defense "you don't need my permission for shit my love" Lev says "oh and I'll be staying at my parents tonight, since my dad has stuff he needs to talk to me about" i say back "what" Lev says in a kinda hurt tone "baby, it's just one night, you can handle it, i know you can" i say back in a soft tone as he stands up. He sits on my lap wrapping his arms around my neck "you'll be ok, i promise" i say holding his head on my shoulder before kissing the side of his head "i don't wanna sleep without you" Lev says "it'll be only one night, then I'll be back to sleeping in bed with you, you'll make it" i say back massaging his head with my nails making him fully relax into me. He buries his face into the side of my neck "there we go baby, get comfy" i say hearing his breathing get softer as the seconds go by. After a minute he falls asleep "i love how easy it is to get him asleep" i think closing my eyes relaxing my body taking in the moment. An hour passes and i make it home and go inside to hear arguing in the kitchen heading to it. I see dad and mother going back and forth and fight laughing "that's not the damn lid that goes to it!" Irina says "it fits so it means it goes to it!" dad says holding a pan in his hand "there is also 3 other pans that this lid could fit to, it all goes down to the color of the metal!" Irina says taking the lid off the pan "who cares about the color, all that matters is it fits the pan!" dad says putting the lid back on it "you put that pan with that lid in the fucking cupboard i swear Vincenzo!" Irina says then he stares at her putting the pan in the cupboard and closing it. I cover my mouth since i started to laugh quietly but didn't want them to see me since this was way to funny "you swear what" dad says cocky "where's those work suits of yours that you swear are different colors when their all fucking black, see how you like when someone puts your stuff out of order" Irina says heading down the hallway "they all are different colors, different brands have different shades of black, it's common sense!" dad says "i call bullshit!" Irina yells going up the stairs. I brake up laughing not being able to hold it in anymore and he quickly looks at me noticing me "how long have you been there!" dad says "long enough to know everything about pans and lids" i say back trying to calm my laughter. An hour passes and i go downstairs since mother yelled for me and go into the kitchen "Vincenzo over here now" Irina says and dad quickly gets up from the couch as i fight laughing "shut up" dad says "aw afraid of your wife" i say back smiling "she's fucking scary so what" dad says "pussy" i say back and he gives me an unimpressed look as i laugh "alright children" Irina says and i flip her off "the hell did you need me for" i say back "dinner stuff" Irina says "shit" dad says "fuck" i say "tonight is sliders, but" Irina says "what's the catch" me and dad say back suspicious of her "it's also the night you two have to test your allergies" Irina says "oh come on why!" i say back "I'm starting to think you find satisfaction in watching me suffer on the bathroom floor at 2 am!" dad says "fuck with my damn pans and you have to eat red meat mother fucker, be happy i ain't sneaking it in your food" Irina says "I'm carrying your damn grandchild why do i have to eat it!" i say "because you left me with your worried sick father for a week" Irina says "I'm not even supposed to be eating meat!" i say back. She looks at him then back at me "the fuck did that mean, i swear to god" i say looking back and forth at them "don't act like i don't know" dad says "uh a little more specific asshole" i say back unimpressed "just know Igor tells me everything you ask about that power" dad says and i hear the front door open and see Igor as he gets a scared look on his face. Meaning he overheard the conversation "you blonde bitch!" i yell and he quickly runs outside as i run after him "i get my hands on you and your dead!" i yell and we get on either side of his car "Victoria, listen" Igor says "oh I'll listen to your ass, when i have you in hell!" i yell back running around the car and he books it inside. He makes it to dad and turns around "Vic, look, things can be calm, and you won't have to kill me" Igor says trying not to sound scared putting his hand out like i was a fucking dinosaur or some shit. I hiss waiting for the perfect moment to try an grab him "Vincenzo, fucking back me up here" Igor says. He screams as i lunge at him but dad grabs me by the back of my hoodie "let go of me!" i say before hissing trying to get free "alright chill out time" dad says tucking me under his arm keeping ahold of me off to his side "let me down!" i say trying to get free "nope" dad says. A few minutes pass of me trying to slide my way out of his grip but failing "tired out yet" dad says "i give up" i say back and he lets me down "star!" i yell before whistling "not the fucking cat!" Igor says panicking trying to find somewhere to hide as star runs into the room "атака (attack)" i say pointing at Igor and star wastes no time getting to him. I laugh as he gets Igor cornered "alright while those two are busy, follow child" dad says and i follow him down the hallway and upstairs. We go into his office he grabs something off the desk handing it to me. I see it was a necklace with a flower pendant "happen to know who it belongs to" dad says "uh, maybe, where was it found" i say back "in one of my cars after Victor used it" dad says and i try to think. After a few seconds it comes to mind "Alina, the second guy she had cheated on me with gave it to her" i say back handing it back "the fact there was more then one" dad says putting it back on the desk "there was actually 7 in total, in just the like 3 weeks i dated her" i say back and he quickly looks at me "yeah" i say "Jesus fucking Christ!" dad says i laugh. His eyes goes to my neck and he puts the pendant on his hand looking at it "when did you get a necklace, you only wear that barbwire thing" dad says "it's a chocker idiot not a barbwire thing, and Lev got it while we were in California, i have the ring that goes with it" i say holding my hand up and he looks at the ring "is it even real" dad says "uh yeah it's real, just these 2 things were 5,400 dollars" i say back "what the fuck!" dad says "oh and another heart attack" i say back "oh Jesus Christ" dad says "my proposal ring was 15k, Lev finally told me" i say back laughing a bit "how the fuck was that ring 15k, that's not even close to what i spent on your mothers!" dad says i laugh "hey it shows that Lev likes me more then you like mother" i say back "Jesus Christ child!" dad says "and speaking of rings and shit, i need to know wedding traditions in the family, because me and Lev's started the process of getting the wedding in order" i say back "well get prepared to not move for a day, because there's a lot" dad says "are you fucking serious" i say back unimpressed "yep, books on top of books, a bottomless pit" dad says "i hate your family somedays" i say back "everyone does once in their life" dad says "god damn it I'm going to lose a day of my life" i say back "you'll be fine" dad says "also why the fuck did Igor tell you I've been drinking" i say back "Vic i know everything about that power, i was waiting for the day you found out you could drink even while pregnant, Igor was just giving me a heads up that you found out" dad says "aka he's a damn narc" i say back.

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