Chapter 12

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Half an hour passes and my phone rings so i grab it off the bedside table to see it was dad. I answer it putting it to my ear "yeah" i say "i need your help at the base" dad says "no can do I'm busy" i say back "then i need Lev to help" dad says "he's busy to" i say back "the hell do you people do in a day!" dad says "I'm trying to read my book and Lev's asleep" i say back "then I'm coming to your house!" dad says "k" i say back before hanging up and going back to my book. After 15 minutes i hear the front door open and my phone rings again it being dad so i answer it "go up the stairs, down the hall into a little living room, then the door in that room go thru it" i say before hanging up again hearing footsteps around the house. The door opens and i see dad and Igor "who the hell let you in my house" i say "funny" dad says giving me an unimpressed look i laugh "ok that's why Lev was busy" Igor says "fuck off" Lev says in a sleepy tone getting comfortable again "go back to sleep baby" i say back going back to massaging his head and he falls back asleep "asshole" Igor says crossing his arms "also is there just always a woman that as to stop whoever comes to this house" dad says "did she have light brown hair and was walking back and forth on the sidewalk" i say back "yeah" dad says "she tried to talk to Lev when i left the house, he ran inside to hide from her then she had to stop me when i got here, she thought Lev was my son" i say back he fights laughing as Igor laughs "i don't trust woman in jogging clothes" Lev says "i know baby" i say back moving his hair out of his face "believe me no one in this town likes her, she lives across from my house and literally comes to my door at least once a week, i can't even be in my own backyard without her having to talk to me, but of course Daisy always gets loose and goes to her house" Igor says "hey Daisy's trying to make you straight" i say back "yeah no thanks" Igor says "сука (bitch)" i say back "also I'm shocked this house doesn't smell like weed" dad says "it's been aired out, but i didn't get high because i don't on ultrasound days" i say back "also that Grace woman definitely put Victor in his place" dad says "knew she would, she hit him pretty hard" i say back "and you bruised his balls somehow" Igor says "and you did that" dad says me and Lev laugh "that's amazing" i say back laughing a bit "also this house is nicer then i thought" dad says "believe me it's nice not hearing your son watching porn at 3 am" i say back Igor laughs "heads up you have dried blood on your hand" dad says. I look at my right hand to see smeared dried blood "Lev's blood" i say back "how would of Lev's blood got on you" dad says slightly confused "you don't wanna know" i say back "alright" dad says "oh and heads up I'm busy October 1st" i say back "ok, why" dad says "i always go and help around the community doing little random things, and get to see old friends and shit" i say back "and what are you going to be doing while me, your mother, and Victor are on his trip next week" dad says "i don't know, probably get high as shit and play MarioCart on the living room tv" i say back "Jesus Christ" dad says "well then, Vic I'm taking you somewhere" Igor says "where" i say back "you'll see when we get there" Igor says "alright" i say back a bit suspicious "also how is Lev comfortable right now" dad says "honestly no idea, but he had to get a nap in, since we're hoping to have Vex's room done tonight, mostly because he's going all insomnia again, so I'm hoping to get him tired while painting so he can actually sleep" i say back "how does he survive" Igor says "no idea, like ages 17-21 he literally mastered sleeping standing up at work, i actually found him asleep behind a stack of boxes at the base when i was 13, there is still days where he will go days without sleep that he is just passing out anywhere, when he has days like that i usually just carry him around at work so he can sleep while i check on things" i say back "forgot about that, i made a game called is Lev awake or asleep when he we leaning against a wall, i definitely found him asleep in weird places over the years" dad says "Jesus Christ!" Igor says i laugh "hey trying to find Lev was better then an Easter egg hunt" i say "where the hell have you found that thing!" Igor says "uh, in the brake room for the security guards asleep on the floor, so i just turned the light off and let him sleep, in the backseat of his car at work, by his damn car tire, under a table at the base, which Victoria just hung out by him to keep people from messing with him like a damn cat, on top of a stack of boxes, and that's all i can remember" dad says "my god!" Igor says dad laughs "my baby's special" i say getting Lev's hair back out of his face "and heads up you have training tomorrow" dad says "yay" i say sarcastically "to bad you have to get training done" dad says and i flip him off "no balls, wow mother has Mr no balls and a bruised balls son" i say Igor laughs "fuck you" dad say i laugh. I fix Lev's blanket so he was covered better "this is bullshit, Lev gets to be with a caring Vinogadov, you were an asshole when i became your guard" Igor says "i also hated you with a passion because i had to speak English and be nice to you" dad says giving him an unimpressed look i laugh "oh boho you had to speak another language, finally you learned something for once" Igor says then dad slaps the back of his head "fucker!" Igor says dad laughs. Lev groans quietly from the noise "your disturbing my baby bitches" i say covering Lev's ear with the blanket "oh he's fine" Igor says "you fucked up" dad says and i grab my knife off the bedside table "shit!" Igor says quickly ducking getting behind dad as i throw the knife at him. It goes into the dartboard on the wall "damn it" i say "Vincenzo i wanna leave" Igor says "yeah we should probably get back to the base" dad says "yeah go bitches" i say back and they leave the room. I listen till the front door closes "there baby go back to sleep" i say and he hums in response getting comfortable. An hour passes and i was in Vex's room getting the wall that the door was on taped off to do what i wanted to do. Lev was still asleep so i was taking that to advantage to get the one wall done to save a bit of time. I get everything taped off and open the things of paint and mix them before grabbing a paint brush. I start painting the little taped off shapes putting the colors randomly on the wall. After a few minutes i finish "like it" i think looking at the wall before putting the brushes in a big container of water. I put the lids on the paint cans then open the black paint to do the ceiling which i grabbed a chair because the ceiling was kinda high. After half an hour i finish the ceiling and start to clean the brushes. The door opens and i see Lev "my love" Lev says and i look up at him "morning baby" i say back "what are you doing" Lev says "got some of the painting done to save a bit of time" i say back and he looks around. An hour passes and it was passed 11 pm and we get the painting done "yep I'm gonna roll myself the best blunt of my life for this shit" i say smiling he laughs "you definitely did good my love" Lev says smiling wrapping his arms around me from behind. He kisses my neck "we're covered in paint" i say laughing a bit seeing it on are arms, hands, even in are hair. He laughs "time for a shower" Lev says smiling before kissing the side of my head as i laugh quietly. He picks me up "time to see my lovely v all cute and nude" Lev says in a teasing tone. We go into the bathroom and he puts me down before turning the shower on as i get undressed. He gets undressed as i get in "aw my little v" Lev says getting in i laugh quietly before he kisses me cupping my face. Half an hour passes and he was making dinner while i was sitting on the floor in front of the couch. I finish rolling a blunt and take a drag before blowing out the smoke leaning my head back onto the couch. I hear him laugh "good blunt over there" Lev says laughing a bit "very good" i say back smiling "i love you" Lev says "i love you to" i say back. After a few minutes he sits a plate of food in front of me and sits beside me with a plate. I kiss his cheek "someone's high and affectionate" Lev says smiling "very" i say back before kissing him softly. I pull away "i might just have to fuck you so hard you leave scratches down my back then fall asleep after" i say smiling and his face gets covered in blush to the point it was almost completely red. I laugh softly "you have an interesting way of flirting" Lev says "i know" i say back we laugh. After a few minutes we put are plates in the sink and i pick him up tossing him over my shoulder heading upstairs "I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow am i" Lev says laughing a bit "nope" i say back smiling "shit" Lev says laughing i laugh going into the bedroom. After a few minutes i get in between his legs which he was on his back and he slides his hand down my body "enjoy the faint abs baby, Vex will be taking them" i say laughing a bit opening the lube he laughs. I lube his hole and my dick before tossing the bottle aside and kissing his neck entering him. He moans quietly as i fully enter him and start to thrust and he wraps his arms around my body. I leave a mixture of hickeys and sloppy kisses on his neck and he digs his nails into my back "think you can handle more intense" i say "yeah" Lev says slightly moaning "might want to wrap your leg around my waist then" i say back smiling. I help him do so and hold his leg still just to be safe as i pick up my pace a lot. I slam into him over and over making his moans much louder and his nails dig deeper into my back. I leave little bites along his neck and his moans get mixed with whimpers letting me know he was close which i was also. Are moans fill the room as we cum at the same time his covering his stomach. I slow down and he starts to catch his breath pretty much panting which i found kinda cute. I leave soft slow kisses all over him as he completely relaxes his body trying to get back to reality.

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