Chapter 63

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An hour passes and i was on the roof by myself smoking the half of a blunt i had leftover from the one i smoked on the way here. I hear footsteps and see Lars "oh for fuck sake" i think annoyed as he walks up to me "we meet again don't we" Lars says smiling "hit on me once I'm pushing you off this roof" i say back "well at least I'm the same age as you then that guy your with" Lars says "his name is Lev asshole, leave me alone or I'm drowning you" i say back knowing he had a fear of big bodies of water. He holds onto the railing "ah yes that'll totally stop me" i say unimpressed before grabbing him which he doesn't put up a fight as i drag him to the pool "any last words" i say holding onto his shirt making him be over the water "Victoria, please don't" Lars says "to late" i say back before throwing him in the water. I watch as he panics trying to stay afloat "good bye" i say heading to the stairs and he grabs onto the edge of the pool trying to breathe. I see the sky out of the corner of my eye and quickly look at it to see something that made me freeze. All the stars looked like eyeballs especially like reptile eyes that started to turn more and more red longer i looked at them. I quickly go thru the door and down the stairs half running down the hall to get to the second stairs to the downstairs. I run to the kitchen and find Lev quickly going up to him wrapping my arms around his neck "v what's wrong" Lev says slightly worried "don't look at the sky" i say back feeling myself starting to panic a bit "why shouldn't i look at the sky, what's in it" Lev says growing more worried "is it the eyes again" dad says coming up to us i nod "alright just close your eyes the stars ain't eyes, they aren't watching you" dad says in a calm tone and i rest my forehead on Lev's shoulder blocking my eyes from everything "the hell" Lev says "one of her hallucinations, to her all the stars become red eyes, best thing to do when this happens is just to block off anyway to see the sky" dad says. An hour passes and i was back to eating cheese balls "I'll be back ok, i have to use the restroom" Lev says "ok" i say back before he heads down the hall and upstairs. Dad comes up to me with a guy who i didn't know "your hallucination over" dad says "i think" i say back "good, this is my friend Brady, don't know if you'll remember him, so no fucking killing got it" dad says and Brady waves to me "yeah he's not ringing any bells" i say back fixing how i was leaning against the counter. I hear something hit the floor then black powered forms my tail and horns "god damn it i need to start making sure that lid is actually screwed on" i say "you think" dad says "when did she join that" Brady says "uh, i think like over a week ago" dad says and i use my tail to grab the jar and lid off the ground putting it in my pocket. I get an idea and use the end of it to scoop up a cheese ball before tossing it in my mouth "fuck yeah!" i say laughing a bit "you use that thing for all the wrong reasons" dad says trying not to laugh "don't care, it makes me more lazy and makes shit fun" i say back. Lev comes back "ohh" Lev says going to touch it "no" i say whipping it behind me "come on!" Lev says slightly whining "nope" i say back "you suck" Lev says "sometimes" i say back putting more cheese balls in my mouth. I put the container on the counter and he tries to grab it so i grab him putting him over my shoulders like he was over the back of my neck "not happening!" i say "come on!" Lev says trying to grab it "Jesus Christ remind me never to fuck with her" Brady says "believe me she's taken Igor to the ground before" dad says "was not fun" Igor says "dude you've already touched it before!" i say "and i want to touch it again!" Lev says "i was just being nice to you that day!" i say back. He gets ahold of it "haha!" Lev says "damn you!" i say back not being able to get it free "it's so silky!" Lev says getting very memorized by it i roll my eyes smiling "lucky, Vincenzo's feels like a lizard!" Igor says i laugh. A few hours pass and it was past 1 am and i finish getting dressed from being in the shower. I groan resting my face on the bed as sun lays beside me "you alright v" Lev says "ate to many cheese balls" i say back "stomach hurt" Lev says rubbing my back "yeah" i say back "wanna sleep in my spot tonight so if you feel your going to get sick, you won't have to climb over me to get to the bathroom" Lev says softly i nod. After a few minutes i curl up to him and he holds onto me "try to sleep my love" Lev says before kissing the top of my head. After a few minutes i fall asleep. A few days pass and i was at home and head inside trying to walk straight. I go to the living room hearing dad "Jesus Christ you ok" dad says "нет (no)" i say back smiling holding onto the couch "don't tell me your drunk, you haven't drank in days, which you have your doctor appointment tomorrow morning" dad says "i got my hands on illegal drugs" i say back laughing a bit "Victoria the fuck did you get your hands on" dad says in a serious tone "ohh, just some shrooms" i say back "Victoria!" dad says i laugh rolling over the back of the couch landing on it pulling a blanket over me in the process. He looks at me trying to think of what to say "seriously right now" dad says "your just jealous I'm tripping balls and your not" i say back fixing how i was laying so not so much pressure was on my stomach "it is literally fucking 6 pm on a Wednesday and your doing this, don't you have dress shopping this week and your 20 week ultrasound tomorrow evening" dad says "shh" i whisper back closing my eyes "where the fuck did you even get your hands on that shit" dad says "somewhere" i whisper back drifting off to sleep. I wake up to someone saying my name "v, time to wake up" Lev says in a soft tone stroking my cheek and i open my eyes "good morning" Lev says smiling "holy shit that stuff wore off" i say surprised he laughs softly "have a good shroom trip" Lev says laughing a bit "very" i say back "why are you ok with this!" dad says from the kitchen "it's not like it hurts her, plus she hasn't had any for over a year" Lev says helping me sit up. He kisses me before pulling away "how big is are little Vex" Lev says "a artichoke, tomorrow will be a sweet potato, which I'll be 5 months tomorrow" i say back "aw" Lev says smiling before kissing my forehead. He cups my face "guess what" Lev says "what" i say back "there's snow outside" Lev says smiling and i quickly look behind me outside to see a shit ton of snow "snow!" i say quickly climbing over the couch and running outside he laughs following behind me. I lay on the ground "v your going to get wet and cold" Lev says laughing a bit "don't care, it's amazing" i say back smiling. After a few he makes me get up "alright you can play more later my love" Lev says guiding me inside "you suck" i say back "you'll be fine" Lev says. I stop and shake my head then my body to get the snow off me "ah why!" Lev says since some flung on him i laugh "payback" i say back smiling "bad v!" Lev says "you'll be fine" i say back and he gives me an unimpressed look. Irina comes into the room "oh grate looks like you came back" i say "i still live here and am still married to your father" Irina says "shocker" i say back under my breath "child be nice" dad says "her sister fucking stabbed me and you still want to associate with her!" i say back "if it was actually her who did it then it would be a different story" dad says i roll my eyes "just accept your dealing with me" Irina says "i can change that real quick" i say back "what did i say about killing Victoria" dad says "when does he tell you not to kill" Lev whispers confused "since now" i whisper back "weird" Lev whispers. Victor comes into the room "i feel like i walked in on something i shouldn't have" Victor says "tell dad to let me kill Irina!" i say back "you act like that thing would listen to me" Victor says "god damn it!" i say back. An hour passes and it was past 10 pm and i was finishing up my bedtime routine in the bathroom. Lev stands behind me putting his hands on each side of me on the counter "feeling ok" Lev says "yeah, just very nervous for tomorrow" i say back "you sure you don't want to stay at are place to see if it calms your nerves" Lev says "doubt it would, plus i have to leave for these appointments at 8 am" i say back "Jesus that's early for you" Lev says "tell me about it" i say back finishing everything "ready to be tucked in your nest" Lev says "yep" i say back and we leave the bathroom. I climb in the bed "Jesus Christ my back hurts" i say laying down "baby bump getting to the weight it makes it hurt" Lev says softly "yeah" i say back "get comfortable and it will help" Lev says and i do as told. He makes sure all the blankets were tucked around me then kisses my forehead "i love you my love" Lev says "i love you to my baby" i say back "good night" Lev says "night night" i say back closing my eyes. He leave's the room turning the light off as i begin to drift off to sleep since i was pretty tired. I wake up to dad saying my name "fuck off" i say rolling over "we're not playing this game today, get up" dad says "let me live my life without knowing what's wrong with me" i say back "sooner you get this over with, sooner you can go back to bed" dad says pulling me out of bed "can't wait for the day i shove your ass in the ground and never see your face again" i say back as he pulls me to the bathroom "well I'm only 46 you still have a few years" dad says i roll my eyes "yeah yeah don't remind me I'm still stuck with you for decades" i say back getting up. After 15 minutes i go downstairs to the kitchen "see, when you listen things go quicker" dad says before finishing his cup of coffee "i like to know what sleep feels like, unlike you" i say back "i sleep, you just need a better sleep schedule" dad says "your fucking up my sleep schedule!" i say back "keep thinking that" dad says "i will run off and make you chase me, don't make me" i say back then he grabs me by the back of my hoodie pulling me along "you suck!" i say as he pulls me outside "you did this to yourself" dad says taking me to the car. He pushes me into the backseat then closes the door and locks them so i couldn't get out before he gets in and drives off.

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