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Amber went to shoot at Sam but she missed when Tara tried to snatch the gun pointing it at the ceiling making shots fire off

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Amber went to shoot at Sam but she missed when Tara tried to snatch the gun pointing it at the ceiling making shots fire off. Zalena wasn't going to leave Tara by herself so she launched herself at Amber.

Amber pushed her back banging her head onto the table making the Lamp fall over. Zalena quickly grabbed the gun that was on the ground and swung it around hitting Amber in the nose with it.

"Sam, please put the knife down." Sam's hand was shaking as she pointed the knife at Richie. "Look, I think.. I think the other killer might be Tara." Sam stepped closer offended that he would even suggest her little sister as the killer.

"She's the one that brought us here, and you two have been estranged for years. How well do you really know her." He was silenced but footsteps coming down the stairs. Zalena rounded the corner a knife in her hand.

"Sam step away from him." Richie looked behind him and then back at Sam. "He's the killer I know he is." Zalena walked over standing next to Sam. Sam and Zalena kept their knives pointed at him and they quickly ran up the stairs.

Zalena was upstairs in a room with Sam. She stood close behind Sam keeping her knife in her hand just in case. When Sam opened the closet door Tara was tied up with duct tape over her mouth.

Zalena went to untie her but Sam stopped her. "Sam, what are you doing? Untie her Sam."

Zalena heard the thud and quickly ran out of the room

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Zalena heard the thud and quickly ran out of the room. She kept her knife close to her seeing Richie. "I-I'm not gonna hurt you." She shook her head keeping it pointed at him. "You stay right there fuck face."

Zalena Ran down the stairs helping Sidney up just as Sam grabbed the gun and Richie stood beside her. Richie revealed the knife he had and stabbed Sam in her side. Zalena took her knife stabbing him in the same leg he was shot in.

He yelped in pain as he took the gun from Sam. He pistol-whipped Zalena in her face causing her to fall. He slammed his foot down on her cast making her scream in pain.

Zalena crawled away silently without being seen. She got up grabbing the butcher knife from out of the kitchen. "That's the point, right, Amber?" Richie asked not noticing Zalena was gone. "Right, hon! Third act bloodbath, check. Killers revealed, check. Time for the big finale!" Amber yelled like a psycho.

Richie pulled the knife harshly out of Sam. When they came into the kitchen Richie held Sam at gunpoint and he kept a knife right under Sidney's throat.

Amber came back into the kitchen with Gale shoving her into a chair. "You did all of this, just to make me the hero of your fucked up movie?" Richie shook his head placing the gun under her chin. "Sweetie, you're not the hero. You're the villain. The daughter of Billy Loomis who sees fucked-up visions of her dead dad?"

He went on about his plan for their 'movie'. "You know what the biggest problem with the 'Stab' movies is? There's no Micheal Myers or Jason Voorhees. No bad guy to keep coming back. But the illegitimate daughter of the original mastermind?" Amber scoffs.

"Now that's a fucking Villain." Zalena quietly peeped around the corner. Gale noticed her and signaled for her to hide. "How did you know?" Sam asked. "About your father?"

"I mean it's a small town, and your mom's a drunk! I met Richie on the 'Stab' subreddit. I've been obsessed ever since my parents bought this house. We realized pretty quickly we had similar ideas."

Richie leaned closer to Sam. "It wasn't that hard for me to find you in Modesto. It wasn't that hard for me to fuck you, either."

When Sidney lunged to grab the knife off the kitchen table she was stabbed in her stomach. Amber was sent off to get Tara and that's when Zalena came out of hiding.

Zalena walked into the kitchen with a gun in her hand. She found an extra one in Gale's car. "So then which one of you greedy little fucks had the bright Idea to kill my mom?" She asked walking closer. She cocked the gun pointing it at Richie.

 She cocked the gun pointing it at Richie

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(Word count:732)

SALVATION-Chad Meeks Martin |𝟏|Where stories live. Discover now