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"Uh, she's not here

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"Uh, she's not here." Richie looked at Sam and then at Zalena. "What do you mean she's there?" Amber yelled. "She's not here!" Zalena walked a bit closer taking the safety off the gun. "We untied her." Sam nodded.. "I guess you're not as persuasive as you thought." Sam said.

Tara popped out from around the corner and hit Amber with her crutches. She kept hitting her making her scream in pain.

Richie went to leave and Sam tackled him wrestling him for the gun. Zalena ran to Tara shooting at Amber. Zalena grabbed Amber by her hair when she tried to choke Tara. Zalena yanked her down to the ground, but Amber snatched the gun shooting her in the side.

Amber went into the kitchen and began fighting with Gale and Sidney. Zalena ran into the kitchen limping and tackled Amber to the ground. "Don't fucking touch my aunt, you psycho!"

Zalena was kicked to the side and Amber grabbed her by her braids. "You're so fucking weak! Just like your mother! God, it was so fucking easy to kill her, I wish you Could've seen her face-" Zalena reached for the gun.

"Rule number one. You don't talk about my mom bitch." Zalena shot her in the eye then her chest and kicked her into the stove after Sidney turned it on. Amber's body was lit on fire and she screamed in pain falling to the ground.

Zalena ran into the hallway near the stairs seeing Sam and Richie roll down them. Zalena held a gun by her side keeping it hidden. Sam crawled towards the discarded knife that Richie didn't notice.

"I'm introducing a new rule." Sam said as Richie grabbed her turning her around and holding the gun to her chin. "And what would that be? Huh? Well!?" Richie laughed manically, Zalena walked up behind Richie pointing the gun at his head while keeping her hand on the trigger. Sam nodded to her.

"Never fuck with the daughter of a serial killer." Sam said and clutched the knife in her hand. At the same time when Sam began stabbing Richie Zalena began shooting him. "Wait, wait." He was choking on his blood. "W-what about. My ending?" Sam leaned in whispering. "Here it comes" when Sam slit his throat Zalena also shot him in the head.

One final time.

After a minute of staring at Richie's dead body, Zalena was broken out of her trance by Amber screaming and running at her with a knife. Zalena quickly raised the gun and shot her in the head at the same time that Tara did.

"I still prefer The Babadook."
"That was for my Mom."

Zalena hopped into the back of the ambulance Chad was in he laughed softly even if it hurt

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Zalena hopped into the back of the ambulance Chad was in he laughed softly even if it hurt. "If it isn't my Savior." Zalena smiled softly laughing. "You're a badass Zalena Tatum Carter." Zalena laughed pretending to bow.

"I don't wanna give up.
Everybody wants love.
Tell me how you got here.
Oh no, tell me if you still care."

"Hopefully there's not next time but if there is let me do the saving alright. I want to protect you." Zalena laughed reciting her statement from earlier that night. "I don't need your protection Chad. But maybe I'll take it."

"You don't wanna be here.
That to me is very clear.
Love is like a hot mess.
Oh no girl you know I need this."

He nodded his head lifting his oxygen mask a little. "Can I kiss you?" Zalena nodded leaning and pressing her lips against his. She pulled away after a moment putting his oxygen mask back on his face. "See you at the hospital Batman." He nodded winking at her. "See you then Catwoman."

"Oh, Oh.
Someone to love."

"Oh, Oh.
I wanted
someone to love"

After Sam walked back to Tara Zalena took a seat next in between Gale and Sidney. "Aunt Gale?" Gale leaned her head on top of Zalena's when Zalena laid her head on Gale's shoulder. "Yeah?" Zalena took a shaky breath. "My dad is dead."

Gale frowned at Zalena pulling her into a hug. "I did the right thing, right? Killing them?" Gale and Sidney both nodded. "Of course you did. It's all over now." Sidney said rubbing Zalenas back.

Or is it?

"Burn me up and over.
Flip over your shoulder.
Dukes up in the daisies."

"No girl, girl you're turning
Crazy. Blood over the carpet.
Oh, no I can't seem to stop

"Leave me on the floor dear.
(Cause theres) nothing left to
See here. Oh, oh someone to love."

(Word count:659)

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(Word count:659)

SALVATION-Chad Meeks Martin |𝟏|Where stories live. Discover now