Chapter 11

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Coach k : "now you can follow instructions and were able to do poll with much more weight so it is clear you didn't give your 100% and you were slacking off it is your first time so I'm letting you go but not next time you will face consequence next time"


Shanaya : "I beg your pardon sir but I was not slacking off that time I really was not able to do it I don't know how I was able to do it know but I promise I gave my 100% you can't accuse me for something I didn't do" she said in serious tone

Coach k : I was shocked that she spoke for herself actually I wanted that only but other students always accepted this whenever I say something like that to them and they know I am they never say it because they fear me and then I punished  them they but they think I was punishing them for slacking of or some  but I punished  them because  they didn't  stand for them self it doesn't  matter  who the person is you should  always  stand for self because if you don't stand for yourself  no one will and I must admit  she is lt general  granddaughter hariss also stand for himself  but in front of me he hesitates I'm so proud  of her now I think I have a favourite  student no all students are my favourite "good that atleast you stand for self and I hope in future also you will be like that and you were able to do at now because you were angry you wanted to prove me wrong you pushed you limits and trust me shanaya if you are training under me everday I will push you limits because ik how much you are capable of and I will not let talent and your potential go waste I thought of dismissing you by 6:45 because you came early but you didn't wanted that I thing so now its 6:55 you may go and rest after 5 min you will be dismissed with everyone"

Shanaya: "okay sir and sorry sir if I was rude" apologising tone

Coach k : "speaking for yourself doesn't make you rude shanaya remember that and you may remove you weights now if you want" teasing

Shanaya: "yes sir" sarcastic smile

She went for break and after 5 min coach dismissed them they went to take shower  and change in school uniform and then she went out taking to rae

Rae : "shanaya how many laps did you run today" as she know she was punished

Shanaya : "13 laps" deadpanned

Rae : "what the hell you almost ran 21 km what did you do to piss him off so much I mean we don't run this much in morning as we have to run 10 to 15 km in evening training" shocked

Shanaya: "why? Why we have to run in evening and with weights I'm dead" 😫

Rae : "yes you are now tell me what did you do ?"

She was about  to say but karl aaron and harry came

All three : "hi guys what are you discussing"

Rae : "I was asking her what did she did that she had ran almost 21 km"

All the unison : "what the hell 21km in morning" shocked

Shanaya: "okay stop overreacting guys so I was on pullup bar and I was not able to do so he told he to do 3 more and come down and then I was tried so I just left the bar and was about fall hopeful he catched or else I would have broke my ankle"

Now all four of them : "ARE YOU CRAZY and he just scold you only this much of punishment he is surely were lenient with you"

Shanaya: "you guys were just hyping about how much he punished and now you are saying that it's not much ?" Confused

Karl : "ohh trust me if anyone else would have done that he/she must be dead by now you know last year a senior was doing over practice because  of coming competition and because of that she had some injury on her leg he restricted her and she was also ban for participating in any competition for 1 year he always tell us to push our limits in health way so that we done get injured"

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