Chapter 14

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I wished she would have been like other children of her age if that didn't  happen  then maybe my little  angle would have been just like normal six year old always playing  and not serious or worried  she would have not been so mature I still want that that day it should  have not happen  but their were no other option


shakshi: "Doctor please find a way to save my baby please I beg you"

Doctor: "mam we are not able to find out how did she catch infection that's why it is so difficult to save her I think you prepare youself I'm sorry"

Shakshi: "No nothing will happen to my baby girl you have to find a way to save her"

Vivek: "sweetheart don't worry our shanaya is a strong girl nothing will hapoen to her lets go out take fresh air please"

Shakshi: "no I want to be with my baby"

Vivek: "do you want to see shanaya like this our baby girl will be sad to see her mom like this so please lets go out to take fresh air"

Went out to take fresh air but after 10 min they received a call

Vivek: hello

Doctor : Mr vivek  please  come to my office  immediately I think we can save shanaya

Vivek: Really I am coming doctor

Call ends

Vivek: "shakshi they have found away to save our shanaya lets go fast"

Reached  hospital

Shakshi : "doctor please tell me you can save your daughter"

Doctor: "yes we can their is a new drug found which can cure all diseases but it is not yet clinical proven trial is going on but success rate is 75% and it is expensive"

Shakshi: "I don't care about money but will my daughter will be okay if its successful"

Doctor: "if its successful than she will be alright actually she will be way ahead than kids of her age he will ahve very high iq and very good physical she would be perfect human she will not behave like normal children she will be way mature than other children of her age"

Shakshi: "okay so when will be taht drug will be tested on her I am raedy for it because it is our last hope I can't lose my daughter"

Doctor: "okay after two days she will get her first dose she will get 3 dose and then we will se whether it is success or faliure"

Shakshi : "okay doctor and rhank you so much and I am sorry if I was rude with you early I was not in goid state that time I am sorry"

Doctor: "ohh their is nothing like that you have been really strong throughout I hope shanaya gets well I will be so happy that time poor child she had to go through so much I hope she recover"

End of flashback

Actually  I am so happy when she does childish things it gives me hope that I still have my baby it doesn't  matter to me if she is mature  and not like other children  I am so happy that atleast  she is with me .....I don't  know  what she will be I know shw want to be fighter  pilot  bit i don't want my baby to be in danger  I know that my mom and dad and many other in my family  are serving  country  but still I am her mother  how can I see her in danger  I don't  know  what she will be but she will surely make us proud  she can become  any she is best ahh my baby is already  six year

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