The Mysterious Mewsings

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BIG_friend_N!: Attention! There have been more sightings of The Mysterious Mew reported last night. Locations include: Gifu Train station, Chuku street and Yoro park. Note that all of these are testimonial and yet to be confirmed. Photographic evidence is on its way. Stay tuned. -BFN!

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: Really?

RuNe_BaLotte03: Sick!!!!!!

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: Aw man, they came out last night? Dammit I keep missing them! (>.<)

Shoko's heart skipped a beat. Eyes unable to look away from the screen of her family computer. She was prepared and more than willing for her new role as a superhero to be a thankless one. Yet, for the past two months, dozens of people all around Ogaki have come to this Blog: The Mysterious Mewsings , to discuss her on the daily. So Shoko has made it a habit to check this blog for information. But what started out as an easy way to make sure the general public is off her tail turned into a safe little corner of the internet where she can read all sorts of messages talking about her.

RuNe_BaLotte03: Ok, ok, last night, I swear I SAW them!! I woke up to this really loud CRASH, so I checked my roof and saw them sitting there! But by the time I got my mum they were gone!

She winces. She knows who wrote that comment. She turns to her left, to her apartment's balcony which overlooks the river. On the other side of the river she can see a little white house, the very house she crashed into last night. She turns back to the computer in front of her, hovering over the keyboard. Oh, what she wouldn't do to type a reply in apology. But she can't; she must keep her identity a secret.

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: AGH, where are the pics??(¬ . ¬)

BIG_friend_N!: Apologies for the inconvenience, but due to some outside forces any new photos will not be uploaded until later today.

That's odd. So far, they've consistently uploaded a new photo of her superheroine identity every day by noon, and last night she saw... someone take a photo of her. Someone she had assumed was the individual providing this blog with photographs. What could be keeping them?

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: Ya better. They've got more style than most of the crap they have in catalogues these days. (-.-)

BIG_friend_N!: Indeed, their attire seems perfect for aerodynamics. I would love to see them in action myself.

RuNe_BaLotte03: they look soooo cool!

'cool'. She had never been called 'cool' before. She had never been called a lot of these things before. All this praise. All this attention. Does she really deserve it?

She fiddles with the ring on her finger, the black cat miraculous. Maybe Shoko Nishimiya doesn't, But Mew might.

"It's ready!"

Suddenly a small black ball flies right in her face with the biggest grin. It's Plagg, her magical kwami. She's so started she falls back with her chair.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, cmooon!" She vaguely hears Plagg say "The cheese isn't going to eat itself. Even smelling it from here is torture!"

She giggled and gets up. She walks to her right, to the kitchen side of the room, and turns off the oven. She opens it up and sees a baking tray of camembert cheese. She steadily picks it up the tray of stinky cheese with her oven gloves, keeping it as far away from her nose as possible and places it onto a plate on the kitchen table behind her.

"It's ready~!" She sings and turns to face plagg. But instead of meeting a very happy little kwami. She's instead met with someone else.

Staring right at her, is a very familiar figure. Dressed in red, with their shaggy black hair, they stare up at her with their one big shining camera lens.

"Hey sis."

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