What they really think.

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Just talk to her.

Just walk up to the door and confront Yuzuru about this. It doesn't have to be anything that reveals her own identity, she can just ask her about skipping school. Or about the kind of pictures she's taken recently. Anything would be better than sitting on her desk and holding back the tears.

It took a moment but eventually she realised Plagg was flying around and talking to her.

She shoots up her chair, and nervously taps her finger into her lips.

Plagg rolls his eyes. He may have a point; If Yuzuru has found out, then there's no use in hiding Plagg.

Landing back on the desk, plagg types "you gotta relax, there's no way she knows you're a superhero. How would she even find out?"

Shoko averts her eyes from him. She must have messed up somewhere along the line, maybe she transformed at the wrong time or talked to Plagg too loudly, or maybe there's something about her outfit as a superhero that just screams Shoko Nishimiya to Yuzuru. However the circumstances occurred, she failed one of her duties as a miraculous holder.

Finally, she looks back up at Plagg.

"Does this mean..." she whispers "I can't be Mew anymore..."

Plagg thinks for a moment then plops himself back onto the desk

"if she DOES know..." he types "it could jeopardise your mission. If word got out that she knows, there'd be a massive target on both of your backs. And if that little sister of yours ever gets akumatized she would know exactly where to find the black cat miraculous! We'd be dead meat!"

A pit forms in her stomach. She can't do that to Yuzuru. She can't put Yuzuru in any more danger than she already has. But someone has to fight the akumas. If not her, then she would be dropping the responsibility onto someone else. Forcing them to give up on their aspirations and spend all their time fighting a seemingly unreachable evil. She can't do that. She was chosen for a reason wasn't she? Unlike other people, she's not making any sacrifices, she doesn't have a normal life to give up. In fact, the miraculous, if anything, has only added to her quality of life.

Her thoughts are cut off by a neon green light emanating from the computer screen in front of her. Plagg has opened the Mysterious Mewsings blog up.

She nods at him, she knows what needs to be done. She can't worry about all that right now. She has to find something a little more concrete in order to properly confront Yuzuru about this without completely blowing her cover.

BIG_friend_N!: UPDATE: it is with great grievance that I must inform you that due to outside influences there will be no photographic update today. All pictures of Mr mew will be updated accordingly tomorrow.

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: wait, did you say "mr" Mew? Are you kidding me? Just look at that figure, that's OBVIOUSLY a girl!

RuNe_BaLotte03: whaat? They are? Then should we call her MISS Mew? That's way too loong. Can we change it??

BIG_Friend_N!: "Mew" was merely a work in progress name we are using until a more appropriate title is decided. I myself have workshopped a myriad of different names such as the kageko neko, the masked mew, among others...

Shoko leans closer to the computer. She never really gave much thought into her name. But she's sure whatever they pick will be wonderful.

RuNe_BaLotte03: Kageko neko? sounds funky. I guess that could work.

BIG_Friend_N!: I know, right? Not only does it run off the tongue easily and a smart play on words if I do say so, but it's a reference to the fact that she's only visible when she's lit by the moon despite her shadow-like appearance. Hence the unification of kage and geko.

She's surprised. They're putting so much thought into this.

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: Seriously? Is that what that nonsense is about? We are NOT choosing that name. Think of something better.

BIG_Friend_N!: Ok. Then what about the masked mew?

RuNe_BaLotte03: Nah. That makes her sound like a hero. I'd rather call her a turd.

The computer hums. Scolding hot from every pixel loaded from that website. It's always been there. Only now is she noticing it.

✽Nek0✽NyA✽: very mature.

RuNe_BaLotte03: Just saying it like it is. I got blamed for my roof getting wrecked thanks to that bitch.

BIG_Friend_N!: Tough luck, my friend. But that's exactly what this blog is for. To spread awareness of this masked menace. So I implore you, tell your friends. Enquire if they've seen anything of the sort themselves. And if so, report it back here so others will know! If we work together, we can put an end to her criminal activity before it gets out of hand.

She can't scroll any further.

So, that's what they really think of her. She had just assumed that they knew she was a superhero. But her miraculous is one of destruction, and even when used for good, destruction will only ever be... destructive . To ever think otherwise, has only proved her to be...


Shape of a Miracle EP 2 - FreezeFrameWhere stories live. Discover now