Friend or foe?

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Black. Everything is black. The thickly falling snow completely covers her vision. Even her sense of vibrations below her becomes muffled and unreliable on the frozen river.

Then white. She sees white. Which means she has to get as far away from that light as possible.

She leaps away from the monster's flash, slipping and crashing into a big pile of freezing snow. But she has to get up. She springs forward but she feels an overwhelming sudden sting of pain. Like she had just run into thousands of tiny bullets. But they aren't bullets, they're snowflakes. The snowflakes the monster accidently took a photo of, causing the hundreds of tiny clumps of frozen water to freeze into an unmovable state mid-air. She reaches out to touch one. It's frail and tiny, but doesn't melt in her hand, instead stays as solid as a stone, which in turn make its pointed pattern as dangerous as a dagger.

She pounces back down to her stomach as the scene is once again consumed in burning white. She tries to get up but the dozens of newly frozen snowflakes hold her in place.

The akumatized villain towers over her, printing another picture out of the ever growing stack of photos hanging off its lip. She swings her staff through their legs, tripping them up and making them fall to the ground. She snatches as many photos off its mouth as she can and rips them, instantly unfreezing the snowflakes holding her down.

"Cataclysm!" She whispers. Now is her chance. The monster is down. All she needs to do is cataclysm its eye and all this chaos will be over, and she can go back to looking for her lost little sister. But her adversary has other plans, and quickly riggles it's hand out to snap it's fingers.

With no other means to escape. She blasts herself up into the night sky with her expandable Baton. However, instead of seeing another flash of light in the corner of her eye. She feels something climbing up her staff as she hurls herself towards the sky. It's the monster.

She leans her staff to its side, making them both fall towards the other side of the river. She slides down the baton as it falls, reaching her foe crawling up it. Her cataclysm is still active, she can still win this fight.

Then she feels her baton come to a stop and so does she. It throws the both of them forward, onto a building. Her apartment building. She falls to the road beside it and looks back up. Her baton had crashed right into the first story of her building. It left a crack in the bricks, but it didn't seem to have made any sustainable damage.

She leans her hand against the building. Thank goodness...

Then, she feels something shake under her hand. She turns back to her apartment complex. Black cracks break out from where she had just touched it, quickly spreading up to the first level of the building, instantly crumbling every once sturdy brick in its path.

She looks down at her left hand, where her miraculous ring of destruction sits. Where Her power was activated. She just cataclysmed her own apartment building.

The entire ground floor caves in on itself. She can't even react, the entire building is slowly leaning forward. It's going to fall. It's going to crash into the river.

De-extending her staff, she jumps back down to the river and runs to its middle, holding up her staff. It falls faster and faster towards her. She'll be able to hold it up with her staff if she extends it, right? It has to work. She has to save all those people. If she doesn't, everyone in there will...

And then it stops.

She looks beside her, it's the akumatized victim with a photo of the building printing out of her mouth. They stopped it. They froze the building with their power before it could crash into the river. They saved all those people!

Then, the monster turns to her, its sharp white eye transfixed on her, like a predator spotting its prey. She has to escape. Mew rams her staff right down onto the icy surface of the river, cracking it between them. The monster loses its balance as she uses her staff to shoot her up into the air like a rocket and right into an open window on her frozen apartment complex.

She's slammed onto a closet in a stranger's bedroom and closes the curtains as quickly as she can.


Her baton and outfit disappear in a fizzle of green light as she returns to her yellow pleated skirt and pink jumper. Her whole body aches but it's nothing compared to Plagg, who's curled up in her hands. He needs food, but she also needs to evacuate all the people in this broken building. But she's useless without the miraculous and she can't use it until she replenishes Plagg's energy. Either way she needs to leave this room.

Holding Plagg close to her, she staggers to her feet. She climbs up the tilted room to the halls and starts heading for her own apartment. She still has some cheese in her apartment. She can still win this.


Shape of a Miracle EP 2 - FreezeFrameWhere stories live. Discover now