What He wanted

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Ishida crawls through the surface of the frozen over river, finally reaching the thicker ice. Letting out a breath, he carefully pulls himself up to his knees and checks the ladybug earrings in his pocket. He just needs to give them to Mew. But she doesn't seem to be here.


Nevermind. There she is! Falling out from the darkness -No, from the half fallen building towering over them- and landing perfectly on her own two feet. There, Mew stands on the icy tundra, just a few dozen feet away from him. But suddenly, he feels cracks growing below him. They've been following him steadily since he first stepped onto the river. But he's on thicker ice now. He should be safe now, right?

Mew looks up at the broken structure she once called home and sees a shining white eye frantically searching the area below it: it's Freezeframe, looking over the balcony of her apartment. They're not looking for Mew, however, they're looking for their sister. Which means they didn't see her transform. Which means that they don't know her secret identity.

Which means they never knew her secret identity.

But what should she do now? Mew stands no chance against freezeframe! But she can't lose this fight! If she does her miraculous will be brought into her wrong hands for who knows what evil purposes. She can't let that happen! But if she wins, won't all the effects of the monsters magic disappear, making everything unfreeze? Meaning her apartment complex, her home, and everyone trapped inside of it will fall into the river! Either way she loses!

Reluctantly, FreezeFrame finally gives up their search and looks back down to Mew with her now sombre white eye. Mew's stomach churns at the sight; She may not have been able to break their lens-like eye as Mew, but she shattered their very soul as Shoko. But that sad little eye turns red and she whips her hand up, ready to snap. Mew looks around the arena; she's completely exposed. There's nowhere to run.

But she doesn't want to run. Not anymore.

Then everything goes white.

It takes a moment for Ishida's eyes to readjust. Still sitting just a little away from all the action, he wriggles his hands in panic. They're a little numb from the cold but they can still move. He can still move. He wasn't caught in the monsters flash.

But she was. Mew is standing there, completely still. As still as a photograph.


He jumps at Tikki's voice, but she continues in a whisper: "you have to do something!"

A photo of Mew prints out of the monsters grin, looking down at their victory from the balcony.

"W-what?" He whispers "What do you want me to do?"

The monster climbs over the railing and crawls down the building.

"Use the ladybug miraculous!" She squeaks, zipping to the earrings in his hand "Just say 'Tikki, spots on'! And you'll be able to help!"

The monster reaches the bottom and jumps onto the frozen river.

He looks down at the earrings "I... Uh...

The monster slinks towards Mew, never letting their eye off her.

" Please, Ishida!" She begs "You need to trust me. You need to trust yourself! I wouldn't be here if you didn't want to be my holder! You know this!"

The monster reaches the frozen Mew.

"just ask yourself: what do you want? What do you really want?!"

Shape of a Miracle EP 2 - FreezeFrameWhere stories live. Discover now