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It was maybe half an hour after the screaming had stopped that Katniss realized that it was done, that she was sitting on the beach and not in the forest.

"Oh, it seems that you are back to the land of the living." She looked up, Johanna twirling her axe, almost bored. "It has been a while."

"Wha--" "It's you, lovely protector." She nodded to the right, Katniss looking over to see Percy and Beetee sitting together as the man was once again relegated to being the medic with Mags sitting with an out of it Finnick. "She like marched out, more like stumbled on toothpick legs, out of the jungle, as if the jabberjays didn't affect her and, bless my cold heart with the sight, held you until it was done before just hauling you up and carrying you down to the beach we are at right now... Truly, you should have meant to when you wifed her because that was hot."

Katniss was having a hard time following, requiring a moment for her mind to catch up... Yeah, she is able to connect memories to the words but it felt like she wasn't in her own body when that happened. It was like watching a movie and she wasn't part of the scene but she was, and that had been her body.


"Oh don't worry she's fine, trust me, not only the districts but the Capitol itself would rebel if something happened to her."

Katniss sighed, grabbing her face for a moment.

"Who's Annie?" She asked to distract herself.

"So that's who Finnick heard..."

"Is she the one that went--" "Insane? Yeah. Annie Cresta, victor of the 72nd (I forgot if she was before or after Johanna, deal with it), watched her district partner be beheaded in front of her and almost drowned in a freak flood that accidentally invaded the arena."

"And Finnick loves her?"

"Yeah... Love's weird." Johanna sighed. "And you... Don't throw it away while you still have it... You'll miss it fierce once it is gone with no way back." She said, her voice sounding distant momentarily, as if she knew the feeling.

The moment was broken tho when a still iffy Finnick called out that Beetee had a plan.

And Beetee told them the plan... What? The author has two part in HG fics she actually doesn't enjoy writing, the fog and Beetee rehashing that plan... Deal with it ;) at least I am not being evil... Yet.

"Percy... You know..."

"I know..."

Both sitting in the sand, Percy playing with her black ring as she watched the sunset and Katniss watched the sunset on her.

"If this plan works we will need to kill them."

"I know... I'll do anything for you." She smiled at her, Katniss seeing the new scratches and none-bleeding cuts left by the birds. "I promised to protect you long ago, I'll do that."

"Long ago... It was only one year ago."

"But it feels long doesn't it?"

"... Yeah."

"So let's help them and we'll leave after alright?"


Percy smiled, making it hard to believe the end would come soon.

And if Johanna's words are true... She'll mourn this once fake love for the rest of the life.

Percy, Percy, Percy... You hopeless girl, believing that the first kiss was just a show... Let's see yourself convinced that this one it fake too.

Surprised eyes that's for sure but kissing back a bit too eagerly for the situation at hand, broken apart by a throat clear.

"Come on lovebirds, let's go." Johanna "Cockblock" Mason herself had come to the rescue.

Percy rolled her eyes and helped Katniss up before winking at her.

"You gotta give me another like that before I die." She said, upbeat because of the shared kissed while Katniss got hung up on the word die.


"Why do we need to separate." Katniss was unhappy that she was to go with Johanna and Percy didn't seem much happier.

"I told you, I need both Finnick and Percy to keep Mags and I safe while we set up, this is the best choice." Beetee said.

"I can't have her leave without a proper goodbye." Percy relented.

"Say goodbye quickly and let's go." Johanna fake gagged and walked ahead.

Percy this time was the one to grab Katniss and give her a kiss, it was a nice one sure but her eyes was on the others, the goal making them look away.

Pulling back just enough to talk.

"Once it is done, we ditched them, meet me at the Cornucopia after midnight." She whispered, getting a small nod back before backing off. "Be careful little hunter."

"You too."

She stepped back a bit, reaching for her hand and pulling her black ring off, holding it up.

"For old times sake." She joked, grabbing Katniss' wrist and dropping it in her palm. "It brought you luck last time and this way I make sure you need to come back to me to hand it over."

Katniss looked at it before nodding, holding it tightly.


Percy stood with her arms crossing under her chest as she waited, tapping her heel on the soft ground, eyes scanning the forest, letting Beetee and the rest deal with setting up the wiring on their side.

She was nervous, nervous for the future, nervous for Katniss, nervous for all.

And that nervousness made her paranoid of every little cracking branch or whispering gusts of wind.

"Hey." Finnick grabbed her shoulder. "It will be alright." He said.

But before she could answer with a snarky comment-- a familiar shriek cut through the jungle, carried far in the air.


"KATNISS!!!" Screaming from the top of her lungs.

"Percy no!!" But it was of no use, she had already took off in the direction of the scream.

Pushing through bushes and down the incline, running like her life depended on it and... In her mind... It does.

Fast, faster, FASTER!!

Branches whipping her in the face, her head being jostled around and her knee hurting from the constant bursts of sprint she has been asking off it, nothing, nothing could slow her down.

Heart hammering in her chest, sweat pearling on her forehead.

Only slowing down when she almost ran down a small cliff ledge.

"Look over there!" She looked slightly to the left, seeing the two tributes from district 2 not far below... Well... She didn't really see them...

Her eyes focused on the blood blade of Brutus.

"Go! Catch the district 7 bitch! I'll deal with her!" Brutus told his partner, brandishing his sword.


Percy... It has been so long since you've felt such fury.

The canon of a death, Johanna running off alone, chased by district 2 and Brutus having a bloody blade.

A vein probably would have popped out on her forehead if it wasn't for the bandage or one of her teeth would have broken from gritting them if it was not for her yell.


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