Chapter 23: Traveling Riverside Blues

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Song of the chapter: Traveling Riverside Blues by Led Zeppelin

Things have been normal since Anna told her brothers about her time in Hell. She hadn't mentioned about the voice in her head but had made a mental note to tell them if she ever hears it again. There was no point telling them if it was only one time thing. It wouldn't count as lying, right?

The siblings had hunted and hunted. One time they had gone undercover in Sam and Dean's old school which had made Anna quite jealous. While their time at the school hadn't been too wonderful, it was more than she had ever gotten to experience. Not once she had stepped her foot in a school to get educated. That was one thing she would always be petty about. Nevertheless, they were on a hunt right now and their next stop was a comic shop.

Anna had never been into reading that much but seeing all those colourful comic books around the store made her think that maybe she could enjoy reading after all. Now she didn't have any time to stop and read the plots as her brothers were already walking towards the cash register. Sam and Dean were talking to the cashier and something in their demeanour caught Anna's attention. They were shifting nervously and she walked up to them.

"Oh! You have a third one! Are you supposed to be Sam or Dean?" The cashier asked while looking at Anna up and down. She threw a confused glance at her brothers. That was a question that had never been asked from her before. Was she supposed to be Sam or Dean? Why would she be one of her brothers? Was this man feeling okay? Maybe he was sick?

"I'm Anna," she said and now it was the cashier's turn to be confused.

"Anna? Who is she? I don't think there's anyone called Anna in the books," he said with a frown. He disappeared somewhere without saying anything and Anna turned to her brothers looking for answers.

Sam shrugged. "Apparently, he thinks we are roleplaying characters from this book series called Supernatural and these characters just happen to be us."

"Us? Well, a book series where we are characters seems absolutely awesome!" Anna exclaimed although she did find the whole thing quite weird. "So, why didn't he know me? If we are supposed to be the characters, why did he say there was no one called Anna?"

"It doesn't matter, Anna! It's a book and it's fiction!" Dean muttered. "It's not really about us, this man has smoked too much weed or something."

The cashier came back carrying few books in his hands. He put them on the table and Anna saw the title 'Supernatural' on all of them. The authors name w as Carver Edlund which didn't ring any bells for Anna. She grabbed one of the books and opened it. Her eyes widened as she found her brothers' names on the pages. She closed the book quickly, bought it from the man and then the siblings left the store filled with mixed emotions.

At the motel, Anna was reading the book and was shocked to realize that the book went through everything the siblings had gone through in their lives. It even covered their mother's death. Everything was in the book except for Anna. Her name wasn't mentioned even once in the pages as if she never existed and for some reason, that made her very uneasy. Whoever this Carver Edlund was, he knew awfully much about their lives but didn't know about her or if he did, he had decided not to include her in the story.

"There's a fandom for this shit," Sam said behind the screen of his laptop. He turned it so his siblings could see it and Anna and Dean were watching the screen disgusted.

"What is a Sam girl? Or a Dean girl?" Dean grimaced. "Are those...?"

"Fanfictions!" Anna couldn't help but laugh. Some people had written stories about her brothers and she found it hilarious. Dean's face was horrified and even Sam looked disturbed as he quickly scrolled over the link to those fanfictions. He clearly didn't want to see any of them.

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