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I know I said I would continue the last part, but I got a good idea. I will probably continue it next week. Hope u like this part!

Turtle, as usual, was sitting on the table with anemone. He was wearing jeans and a pale green t-shirt. He was listening to another one of her long stories, when there was a loud knock on the door and a small dragon barged in. Of course! It's kinkajou, thought turtle. He looked up with hope, and smiled when he was right. Without a greeting, kinkajou launched into a story about how she rescued some injured cat before coming here. Turtle couldn't really focus on the story. He was so happy that kinkajou had appeared here. He hadn't seen her all weekend! 

"hi!", said turtle as kinkajou finally finished. Turtle noticed that she was wearing her favourite bright pink jumpsuit, with a new yellow dotted t-shirt. Turtle made a mistake commenting this, and anemone wouldn't stop teasing him until they finally left for school. Turtle usually walked to school, but kinkajou had gotten her skateboard. "I'll catch up with you later", said Turtle, slight sadness showing on his face. "You unripe melon! I'll just carry my skateboard. There is no way that I am leaving you behind.", said kinkajou loudly. Turtle blushed, and had to run a few steps ahead so that he could hide it from kinkajou.

Kinkajou was cheery, like always and she skipped to school, whistling her favourite tune. Turtle followed, slower and more quiet. Even though kinkajou and turtle were not talking during the walk to school, turtle liked her company. He usually spent his mornings in the balcony reading his favourite book, cuddled up with his pet octopus. It was a very cute octopus he had gotten as a gist from kinkajou and his other friends for his last birthday. He kept it on a small pool and removed it into a small tank when he wanted to play with him. It's name was Octo and he loved turtle.

"Hiiiiiiiiii lovebirds", yelled anemone before she sped off in her car. Anemone's school was more prestigious and was therefore on the outskirts of the city, and she had to travel by car. She had a school uniform along with strong dress code rules. She was always bragging about all the things that happened at her school, but turtle didn't really care. He was fine at the public school, where all his best friends went to. And of course kinkajou! Turtle almost blushed at that thought. "Come on and catch up slow poke", yelled Kinkajou. She had already reached school and they were getting late, so turtle proceeded to a slow jog.

Panting, turtle reached the school. His friends were huddled up and talking, kinkajou was somewhere there. Even though he was happy that his friends were here, he didn't want to admit that he really had wanted to spend a little alone time with kinkajou before school. Maybe he could ask her later? No probably not, he thought, too nervous to actually try. The school bell rung, and they all rushed to their classes.

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