Sleepover Part 2

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Even though he didn't want to admit it, Winter was slightly excited for the sleepover. Moon was going to be there. Not to seem too eager, Winter wanted to arrive late. As he got into the car and started to think about moon, his thoughts subdued. He remembered that even Qibli was going to be there. Qibli was either with moon all the time, or talking to him. I don't understand it at all. Thought Winter to himself.

After an hour, Winter arrived. There was lots of traffic, and he reached later that  expected. Winter nervously rang the doorbell. He couldn't help but notice how the house was so small compared to him. He wondered how anyone could live in there.

The door opened and Winter saw Kinkajous excited face staring right at him. "Hiii", She exclaimed. Behind him, Moon and Qibli were chatting, Qibli's hand around moons neck. Suddenly, Winter regretted coming here. 'Control yourself Winter. Stop it. You need to look neat and self collected', Winter thought to himself. 'Otherwise dad will get mad at me, like he did in the morning. I don't want to face another punishment.' Winters face became pale thinking about that incident. He remembered it too well. 

Winter walked down the stairs, completely forgetting  that some of his Dads important friends were coming over. He walked down in his home clothes, hair uncombed, to find all important people in suits sitting around a table, drinking coffee. As soon as winter saw them, he remembered his Dads strict words from the night before. "I don't want to see you. If you have to come, Neatly present yourself in a suit and tie, hair gelled", his father had said firmly. Winter knew that he was going to be in trouble as soon as his father glared at him from the table, shocked. The pair met eyes, and winter could only see anger and frustration. It was too late to turn back now. All heads had turned towards him. "What an unhygienic boy", someone whispered. Winter heard him, and clearly his dad heard him to. Getting up, his heard turned to Winter. "To your room NOW", he said in a voice that immediately Winter knew that he was going to be in bigger trouble than ever before. He quickly climbed up the stairs, red with embarrassment. He sat in his room, waiting for his punishment.

"Hellooooo! Earth to Winter". Winter looked up startled. Kinkajou was waving her hand in his face. "Ohh... sorry. I was just thinking about something", apologised Winter, his face red. "No worries. Also why are you in a suit? It isn't a formal gathering or somethingggg..?", asked  Kinkajou curious. Winter got another flashback

After what seemed eternity, Winter heard someone come stomping up. Winter crossed his fingers and braced himself. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?", yelled Winters father furious, slamming the door behind him. He made his way toward winter. Winter edged backwards, terrified. He had never seen his Dad so angry. "I ALREADY WARNED YOU NOT TO COME DOWN. BUT YOU HAD TO, THAT TO IN FILTHY STREET CLOTHES??!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING! YOU HAVE RUINED MY REPUTATION. I WILL NEVER HAVE A CHANCE AT THE JOB OFFER NOW THAT THEY SEE THAT I AM LIVING WITH A DIRTY STREET URCHIN!" Winters dad loomed over Winter, his face red with anger. Pulling his hand back, Winter could do nothing but stand there in shock, as Winters dad gave him a tight slap. "Ouchhh!", exclaimed Winter in pain. His dad had never hit him before. "YOU DESERVED IT!", yelled the father making his way to where winter kept all his clothes. Grabbing a scissor, He cut up all of Winters comfortable clothes, and pajamas. "I only want to see you in a suit! Even while sleeping. If you don't have manners, you will have to learn the hard way", Said the dad leaving the room. Winter sat there in shock, and took a napkin to stop the bleeding.

Will continue chapter another time. I hav to go somewhere! Hope u like it 👍 

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